026. how bad

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EUNSEO: it's okay for you to come over right

JUNGKOOK: yeah i'm leaving rn

JUNGKOOK: but it'll take me a little bit i have something to do first before i go


she didn't expect for him to take long. she left her door unlocked, felt safe enough to do so. safer than she did back home, at least.

she liked to tell herself that it was all a coincidence. it had been a few weeks since she saw him last, a few months since she had talked to jimin or the other boys. and they all were at the same place at the same time, yet for different reasons. as the seconds went on in her silent hotel room, eunseo grew eager to see jungkook, almost itching to be in his presence. though, she wasn't to blame, considering how seldom the two had talked over the course of the last few months.

the sudden knocking on her door made her jump. how did he get here so fast? eunseo got up from her bed with a bit of confusion but also with a bit of anticipation; she just expected to wait a bit longer than she did. after only a few seconds the knocking soon escalated to borderline banging, then constant ringing of the doorbell.

by the time she reached the door, eunseo was almost frustrated; felt the impatience in the knocking. stood behind the door, she placed both her hands on the knob and turned it.

"jungkook, what's—"

her words were cut off when her eyes met with the actuality that the boy who stood before her wasn't the boy she expected. the two stood there for a brief moment, took him a second to allow his gaze to move from her feet to her eyes. took her a second as well to realize that instead the boy standing in front of her door was jimin, a boy that she hadn't seen since that dull monday in her dull apartment, and a boy that she couldn't help but open the door wider for him to step inside.

he swallowed. his eyes shut and he nearly rushed into the room, paced as he removed his cap and ran his fingers through his hair. "what are you doing here, jimin?"

"i know, i'm sorry, for not letting you know beforehand, but — namjoon told me you were here, and i just had to come, because — fuck."

eunseo pushed the door behind her, still leaving it open to a crack, and followed towards jimin's direction. she was concerned; she had never seen him like this before, at least this antsy. he continued to pace a bit, until he stopped. his head leaned back, and his eyes shut again, but this time he took a breath. she grabbed his arm and lead him to the bed, told him, "sit."

she set him on the foot of the bed, set herself across from him, and looked at him. "jimin, why are you here?"

"to talk."

"about what?"

"i just . ." jimin sighed and looked down at his hands, began to fiddle with the rings on his fingers. he couldn't seem to find the words, or find the courage to even look eunseo in the eyes. "you remember that night i came over to your new place, right?"

"i do."

"it's just . . ever since then, i . . ." he paused, and then he groaned and put his face in his hands. eunseo knew how frustrated he was getting, mostly at himself and mostly for the fact that he was causing her to wait this long. she didn't even have to touch him to feel how tense he was. "ever since we talked, and sat together in your living room, i . . . ugh, i don't know. i've just been — and it feels so weird to say this, fuck, but — i've been longing to see you again. and talk. just like we did that night. and i'm not just saying that because i need someone to be able to talk to but because i felt something."

eunseo only blinked. "like what?"

then he looked at her. and then it felt as if time somehow stopped functioning. everything went by so fast but so slow at the same time. he parted his lips to speak, but nothing managed to come out. suddenly all the words that he meant to say disappeared into thin air and in an instant his mind went blank. he couldn't think of anything, couldn't bring himself to do anything but his body compelled him to place his hands on her cheeks. and so he did, and he pulled her closer and he kissed her. he could've sworn that time stopped altogether.

for a brief moment there was a tingle on his lips. but it was a good tingle, and he enjoyed it for only that brief moment before he felt her hands rush to his chest and force his lips off of her.

when jimin opened his eyes and came back to his senses, he heard a low, quiet voice come from above them. "wow."

jimin and eunseo looked up in unison, only to see that the person stood before them was jungkook, his hood on and a plastic bag in his hand. he scoffed and cocked his head to the side. "i can't even believe i just saw that."

eunseo was the first to speak out of the two on the bed. her words came out like a bullet. "jungkook, i'm so sorry, this didn't even mean to happen —"

same with jungkook's. "i know."

"— i just let him in because he wanted to talk i never thought that he would —"

"i know."

"— even kiss me i didn't even want him to i didn't even kiss back —"

"i know."

"— i just don't want you to misunderstand because i really —"

"i know, eunseo," he raised his voice that time. "you don't have to explain."

the room became silent, and it ended with eunseo's face in her hands, jungkook's menacing stare at the two of them, and jimin who tried to avoid that stare. jungkook laughed, and he looked crazy rubbing the back of his head. "god, i really can't believe this shit."

he cursed under his breath before letting out, "do you even know how much of a fucking ass this guy is?"

"i said that i didn't even want to kiss him!" eunseo yelled back.

"he put you through so much shit and you still allow him in your life?"

"shut up, jungkook." the older spoke through his teeth.

ignoring his words, jungkook's voice started growing louder and louder. at that point he wasn't even concerned that the neighbors could complain to the front desk. "how bad do you have to be treated by him for you to still sympathize with him? i swear to god, i can't even count how many girls he's tried this shit with."

"i said shut the fuck up, jungkook!" jimin's voice was loud and hoarse, almost a roar.

"no! i won't fucking shut up because i am so tired of seeing people i love fuck me over! over, and over again! this fucking sucks. goddamn . . and i really thought that the both of you knew my true feelings but i guess i thought wrong."

it was silent again. each of them were waiting for another to speak but neither of them had anything to say. this case was expected by jungkook, and he was tired of being in the middle of it. "i'm fucking leaving."

the older boy watched the younger storm out of the room. the girl couldn't bear to look. the door slammed with a bang, leaving all three of them with heavy hearts and bitter tastes inside their cheeks.

a/n: bitch snapped !

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