009. under

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eunseo wasn't surprised to get a call from jungkook later on that day. she wasn't surprised that he invited her to come hang out, either. "come hang out with us, it's our last day in busan!"

her back leaned against the tiled wall, eunseo listened to the water run. a warm bath was what she really needed. she was extremely fatigued and her legs felt like they were going to give out; but she didn't dare ponder why.

the water filled up the entire tub, and she reached over to turn off the faucet. she exhaled and began to strip off her clothing, glad that the lingering stench of cigarettes was to be over soon. when she eased into the steaming water, the taste of jimin and his cinnamon gum came up to the back of her throat. that taste would have been something that her 16-year-old self would have craved, but her 20-year-old self wanted to spit it out. she felt dirty, almost, and she didn't only feel it on the outside but mentally, too. the word, "mine", frequently left his mouth the night before, and eunseo only would have allowed it to slip if the sex actually made her feel something.

she quickly gathered her shampoo and began to wash her hair. she wasn't really a fan of the brand, but it was better than the cigarette scent. she lost track of how long she has been in the bath, but by looking at her pruned fingers, she knew that it was time for her to get out.



out of seven boys, six waved and one stood behind them with his head down, looking at the screen of his phone. they all wore masks, some wore caps, but a boy in a surgical mask and a pink cap ran up and gave eunseo a big hug. "we missed you!"

they all knew who eunseo was, but they didn't know what she did. they only saw her as jungkook's friend. "hi, hobi." she laughed, giving hoseok a pat on the back. she looked over at the other boys, and saw namjoon trying to pull jimin closer, whispering, "go say hi. don't be rude."

eunseo watched as jimin jerked his arm away from namjoon's grip, storming off into the restaurant. she scoffed, and she wasn't surprised that he was acting this way considering how he left without a proper goodbye earlier that day.

they all followed the boy inside, and were brought into their private room. everyone took their seats, jungkook being the last, taking the spot next to eunseo. he shot her a smile. "are you doing okay, 'seo?"

"i'm fine," she said calmly, though felt suspicious. a smirk came upon his face as she tugged down her skirt.

eunseo must have missed the moment when they took their orders, because a huge plate of meat arrived at their table. seokjin smiled in delight and began to place the pork belly on the grill. "so what have you been doing these days, eunseo?" taehyung asked, helping jin with the meat. "not much, really. i've just been studying–" her breath hitched when she felt a hand on her thigh. she knew what was up, and shot a glance at jungkook. she tried to send him the message, but he gave her a grin, "go on."

"um, yes, i've just been studying, but we're on break right now."

"oh, it must be hard." taehyung said with pity. she shrugged her shoulders in response. "not really, but i do have to work harder this year, especially since i'm graduating soon." she felt jungkook's hand travel up her thigh. taehyung was still speaking to her, and she could see his mouth moving, but the only thing she could hear was jungkook whisper, "i know that you were with jimin last night." at this point, his hand was already at the hem of her skirt, and it was only going to keep going higher and higher. "you need to know who you belong to, eunseo."

she dropped her utensils when the hand moved to lift her skirt and slightly touched her most intimate area. everyone's heads shot towards her while she picked them up off of the ground. "sorry," she mumbled. everyone continued to eat and talk amongst themselves, except one person kept his eyes on the two. "you made the mistake of wearing a skirt today," jungkook whispered, making eunseo shiver.

"open your legs for me," he demanded. she obeyed embarrassingly quickly but his soft murmur of good girl made her heart flutter too much for her to care about embarrassment. she shut her eyes when she felt his middle fingertip teasing her entrance, running his finger up and down her slit. she opened her eyes, landing her gaze on jimin, who scoffed and continued to stuff rice into his mouth. her face suddenly became hot, because she knew that he knew exactly what they were doing.

she gasped when his finger entered her, and jimin was surprised that none of the other members were catching what was going on. a second finger pressed into her, and she dropped her head down into her hands, trying to keep herself from moaning. "eunseo, are you alright?" jimin made sure to say a little bit too loud, which made all of the other members look at her with worry. she nodded her head and exhaled, "yeah, my head just hurts."

"are you sick?" jungkook began to speed up his pace and she gulped, shaking her head. she felt as if she's had enough, and she wanted more. she needed more. she got up, causing jungkook's hand to slip out from her skirt. "excuse me, i just need to get some air." she got out from her chair, and as she walked towards the door, she grabbed jungkook's wrist and dragged him out with her.

lol this chapter made me cringe also pls leave more comments because i'm a thirsty hoe :-)

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