#1 How You Met

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"Buy that wig!" You said happily to Danny who was looking at different cosplay wigs on his phone. Danny Blake is one of your best friends and he invited you to his place. You have never been to his house and this was your first time in it. "Hey Danny," His bedroom door opened revealing a good looking guy. You know Danny has brothers so your guessing he was one of them. You notice how cute he was and you couldn't stop staring at him. You notice he was wearing a Sleeping With Sirens shirts. "He got good taste in music!" You thought to yourself. He saw you and stared right back at you. "She's breathe taken." Damon thought as he looked at you. He then smiled at you. A lovely bright smile. "Hey i'm Damon." He greated you. "I'm (Your Name)." You guys just stared at each other for a while forgetting Danny was in the room. As he stared at you butterflies filled your belly. "And i'm Danny." Your best friend said making you and Damon turn to him. "I should go. Justin and me are gonna do a YouNow in a couple minutes." Damon blushed and opened the door to leave. "I'll see you around (Your Name)." He walked out of Danny's room closing the door behind him. You looked at Danny who raised an eyebrow at you. "What?" You asked. He shock his head and smiled at you. "Nothing." You roled your eyes. Damon was in your head all day when you where hanging out with Danny.

Danny:You went to Hot Topic to buy new merch because you needed new things

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You went to Hot Topic to buy new merch because you needed new things. As you walked around you bumped into someone making there things fly to the ground and making the person fall on the floor. Your eyes widen and you panicked. "Oh my llama!" You started. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Did you fall hard on your ass?" You rambled on and helped the person up. You realized the person you knocked down was a guy around your age. He had amazing red and black hair and was very attractive. "I'm fine and you sure ramble a lot." He chuckled making you blush. You saw that you dropped some of his things so you picked them up. You realized it was a Death Note shirt and a necklace that had a 'L' on it. 'Oh My God He Likes My Favorite Anime!' You thought to yourself. You handed his things to him. "Sorry." Is all you say and he gives you a breathe taken smile. "Is fine. I'm Danny by the way." He took his hand out so you can shack and you gladly did. "(Your Name)," You smiled back. "And you have good taste in anime shows." He looks at his things and laughs. "Yeah I love Death Note." Danny says. "I do as well. Is my favorite anime." You admited. "Same. I really should get going though but you should give me your number so we can hang out sometime." You gladly give Danny your number. A smile planted on your face when he walks away.

Justin:You where walking to your best friend house because she wanted to hang out

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You where walking to your best friend house because she wanted to hang out. As you were walking you heard someone singing a Demi Lovato song. The person was singing Stone Cold by her. One of your favorite song by her. You turned your head and across the street was a boy around your age. He had bad ads hair. His hair was half blue and half black. You kept listen to him sing and you had to admit he wasn't bad at it. "Nice singing!" You finally yell to the boy. He turned and looked you with pink cheeks. "Thanks." He said kinda shy. "Of course." You smiled at him and kept walking. Your friends house was just two houses down. "I'm Justin by the way." You heard the boy yell. You walked up the stairs to your friend's place. You turned your head and saw the boy looking at you as he walked up to his place. "I'm (Your Name)." You gave him a cheeky grin. "I'll see you around I guess." You said as you knocked on the door. "I would like that." Justin opened the door and walked inside the house. Your best friend then opened and greated you with a hug. "Why didn't you tell me a cute guy lived across from you." You laughed. She raised an eyebrow. "You meet Justin i'm guessing." You nodded and blushed.

--Hey beautiful people! I just started this and today is February 20,2016

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Hey beautiful people! I just started this and today is February 20,2016. I really hope you enjoy my writing and this book. Comment if you want an imagine I'll be glad to write it.

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