#9 He Walks In On You Changing

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He Walks In On You Changing


You were in your room changing into a contestable outfit for today. You were getting ready to leave to the peaceful, playful park with your loving boyfriend to hang out. It was a nice sunny Saturday morning and you both wanted to be out to enjoy it. You guy's didn't want this beautiful day to go to waste. You started putting on a baggy gray tan top of your favorite band. When suddenly your bedroom door burst open making you jump. "Hey babe," Damon said. He looked at you then down noticing your only in your underwear. "Woah." Blue wide eyes stared at you. The blue eyed cutie just walked in on you just wearing your (Favorite Color) underwear. Your heart began to speed. "Damon get out!" You throw him one of your black vans. Your left shoe to be exact. Luckily he caught it while it flew tours him. It flew tours him like an anger bird ready to attack. Giggles escaped his pink lips as he slowly closed the door behind him. Blocking him away from seeing you. Strawberry cheeks painted on your face. "Hey (Your Name)," Damon started. "What?" You asked as you slipped on your black shorts jeans and opened the door while holding one of your vans. "You look great in those underwear by the way." Your boyfriend smirked at you. You playfully pushed him while laughing at his comment.
"Shut up ass hole." You rolled your eyes. Damon lean down and pecked your soft lips. "I'm just saying the truth baby." You picked up the shoe you throw at your boyfriend and put it on along with your other one. "Let's just go idiot." You both walked out the house and headed tours the park holds each others hand lovingly.


You just came out the nice warm shower and into your bedroom. Shutting but not locking your door behind you. It was Friday and Danny was gonna come over so you both can head over to Alex's place to cosplay. Slipping the towel off you, you grabbed your (Favorite Color) bra and underwear and slipped them on without a problem. Singing one of your favorite songs as you did. You song loudly and badly as you did this daily routine. You headed tours your closet humming the words now. You grabbed your (Favorite Anime) shirt and throw it on your bed, you stalked tours your cabinet and took out your dark shorts and put them on. Jumping in surprise as your bedroom door slammed open. You turn around seeing your bedroom door is wide open and in front of it is your boyfriend. "Hey beaut-" Danny cut himself off and looked at you shocked. Danny's eyes grow and looked as if there about to fall off is face. You were standing there in your bra to embarrass to move. "Shit I'm sorry." He closed the door behind him. Embarrassment painted on your cheeks as you carefully grabbed your shirt and slipped it on along with you flip flops. You opened your bedroom door and saw Danny with a playful grin. "Sorry about that (Your Name)" He apologized. You shrugged. "It's whatever." You lean and kissed his pink cheeks. "Hey you did look hot though." Your boyfriend winked at you making you giggled. "Oh shut it Danny," You playfully pushed his side. "Let's just go to Alex's place already." He took you  by the hand and you both headed out.


You were in your room changing your whole outfit because you spilled juice on it. You throw the dirty stain dress to the side and looked around for a new dress. Your parents were having a big BBQ this Saturday afternoon with friends and family. You dug around your closet and couldn't find a nice dress. You paced your room annoyed. Suddenly your bedroom door opens. "Hey my beautiful girlfr-" The green eyed boy cut his sentence off as he stared at you with wide eyes and with a wide mouth. You stared back at him covering your chest. You stood in front of boyfriend have naked. He didn't bother to move he just looked at you. Pink cheeks covered his face. "Oh my gosh i'm so sorry (Your Name)." Justin spoke but still didn't take his eyes off you. "I didn't mean to see you like that. Oh my gosh." Your cheeks then grow hot and a blush creep on your face. "You could leave now you know..." You blushed hard. "Yeah." Justin didn't take his eyes off you. He licked his lips and looked up and down at you. "Justin get out." You picked up your slipper and throw it at him. It hit his chest. "Sorry." He repeated again and shut your door. You went to your closet again and picked up a blue lovely dress. When you were done changing you walked out your room and saw a pink cheek Justin there. "Sorry." Justin said again you just giggled. "It's okay," You said. "Let's go back to the BBQ you dork." He kissed your cheek. "You did look good though." He smirked you playfully rolled your eyes at him. He slipped his hand into yours and headed to your backyard once again to enjoy the BBQ.


Toady is June 10 and I haven't updated in forever. Sorry about that.
I hope you enjoyed this little update. Schools done on Monday so I'll try to update a lot this summer time.

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