#7 First I Love You

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You and Damon been dating for three months now and your feeling kept growing for him. Whenever you see him your heart skips and you feel safe around him.

Today you went to the park with your boyfriend and his two amazing brothers,Justin and Danny. Danny and you were still best friends. Alex and Tish also tagged along to hang out.

It was a nice hot day and all of you where having a good time. Laughing,talking and running around the play ground. An ice cream truck came and you all got ice cream to cool off.

You sat on a bench and Damon was infont of you. You licked your (Favorite Ice Cream Flavor) Ice cream and enjoyed the sweet tast.

Damon chucked at you and you rasied an eyebrow at him. "What?" You asked.

"You have ice cream in the corner of your lips." Damon poited out.

"Oh." You blushed and went to clean your face with your shirt but Damon stopped you.

"I got it." He leaned down and kissed away, You smiled sweetly at him.

"Thanks." You thanked him.

He just started at you with loving eyes. He's blue eyes shown love and happiness in them.

"What?" You asked blushing.

"I love you." Damon admits smiling down at you.

Your eyes widened. Your heart skipped faster. This was the first time Damon said the L word. You smiled back at him. He leaned down again and kissed your soft lips. The kiss was slow and sweet.

"I love you a lot." He says again while playing with your hair.

"I love you too Damon." You admitted as well.

You and Danny went out today for a walk. It was nice and warm outside and a lot of people were out today because of how nice it was out. Both your hands were together as you both walked down the street.

You laughed as you walked with Danny. You laughed because he kept on telling you this lame but funny jokes. You laughed that he can still make you smile and laugh. You and him been dating for five six months now and you were more then happy.

"Hey are you guy's dating?" A little girl stopped you both near and ice cream shop. She had pretty curly ginger hair and lovely hazel eyes.

"Yeah we are actually." You smiled down at the little girl.

"You both are cute together." You giggled.

"Awe thank you!" Danny smiled wide.

"Lily came on," A young women with the same curly ginger hair called. "Where leaving."

Lily the little girl turn back to us and smiled. "Treat her like a princess. Okay?" You looked at Danny.

"Oh I will." Danny replied.

The little girl skipped back to her mother. Danny turned to you. "Wanna get ice cream?" He asked. You nodded.

The ice cream shop you walked in to was the same one you guy's went to on your first date. You both said your order and got your yummy ice cream.
You both sat down to enjoy thecreamy treat.

You ate your ice cream and felt Danny's gaze on you. You raised an eyebrow at him.

"What?" You asked. "Is there ice cream on my face?!" You freaked and wipped your face.

"No." Danny chuckled.

"What is it then?" You asked.

"You're just beautiful." He smiles and you do as well.

"(Your Name)?" Danny looks at you.

"Yes?" You asked.

"I love you!" He said smiling even bigger at you.

You chocked on your ice cream. "What?!" You asked not knowing if you heard right.

Danny laughed a little. "I said I love you!" He said proudly.

You smiled. Danny said 'I love you.' You felt happy that he felt the same way. You want to say 'I love you' to him for a while but didn't say it because you thought he probably didn't feel the same.

"I love you too Danny." You said.

"I love you more though." Danny smirks while you giggled.

You were giggling while Justin chased you around his house. You and him were playing on making cake and you throw some of the cake mix on him because you wanted to.

"Get back here (Your Name)!" Justin yelled after you.

You ran into his room and throw yourself on his bed. You knew he would find you so you just sat there acting innocent. Justin then came in minutes later.

"Hey." You smiled at your boyfriend. You been dating Justin for five months and he makes you happy.

"Hi." He rolled his green eyes at you. Justin walked tours his bed and sat next to you. He started at you and you at him.

"What?" You asked confused.

"I'm a still get you for throwing me cake mix, you know." He said.

"I know." You replied.

"Good." Justin said. He pushed you down and started tickling you. Your eyes widened.

"Stop!!" You giggled.

"Never!" He said.

"J-Justin st-stop!" You pleased. You hated being tickled.

Justin listen and stopped tickling you.

"I hate you." You crossed your arms.

"And I love you." Justin smiled.

"Wait WHAT?!" Your eyes widen.

Justin leaned towards you. "I love you beautiful." He admits.

"You do?" You couldn't believe that Justin loves you.

"Yes," He giggled. "I love you (Your Name)."

"I love you too." You finally say.

"I thought you said you hated me." Justin teased.

"Shut up and kiss me." You said making him laugh.

Justin lips touched your and you both kissed for a while. The kiss was loving.

He pulled away then. "Let's go make cake now." He got outta his bed and held out his hand so you can grab it.

March 21,2016
Hello I haven't posted in 100 years. I'm sorry about that. Thank you for everyone who voted that means a lot. Anyways hope you liked this one.

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