#11 Comforting You

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You sat against a large tree with tears falling down your face. You laid your head against the brown old tree. One by one sad tears danced down your hollow cheeks. Emptiness grow inside you and you felt alone. The dark started to grow as the sun left. You didn't understand why your parents had to fight ever night. Anger always explode when there anywhere near each other. You got tired of the screaming and shouting. You ran out of your house crying. Half an hour later your still against the tree pouring out your feelings. You felt a hand lay on your shoulder making you shut open your eyes. Blue worried eyes stared into yours. "(Your Name), babe are you okay?" Damon asked crouching down next to you. You throw your arms around him making him fall back. Tears fell onto his shirt as you cried hardly on him. "Sh I'm here beautiful." Damon whispered in you ear as he rubbed your back lovingly. You sniffed and looked up at you boyfriend. "There always fighting." You cried. Broken eyes you looked at Damon. He's heart fell down to the pit of his stomach. Seeing you so hurt and sad made your boyfriend grow upset. Damon stood up dragging you up with him. "Come on angel face," He pulled you close to him as you both walked out the park. "I'm a take you back home." Your eyes grow wide. "No!" You shouted. You didn't wanna go back to the yelling. You needed somewhere peaceful to be at. "I'll take you to my place alright." He kissed the top of you head lovingly.
You both arrived to his place almost a hour later. You laid in his bed with ypu cuddled up to his side. You laid there with low music playing in the background. You both laid there in silence as Damon rubbed your back soothingly. He would whispered time at time that you not alone and gave you small kisses. You felt do loved being with Damon. Damon brought you happiness and you were glad you had him in your life. You looked up at him and pressed your lips on his vanilla skin cheek. He turned to look at you with a sweet smile. "I love you Damon. Thank you." You whispered. "I'll always be tired for you (Your Name). I love you so much darling." He kissed your lips sweetly. Not a rough kiss but a nice loving kiss. You loved that Damon was there no matter what to comfort you.


You throw your hand angrily in the air. Screaming cuss words as you exploded inside with so much different emotions. You had just got into a stupid fight with your best friend, (Your Best Friends Name). And you were so mad because you knew it was your fault that fight had accurate but you being you didn't wanna admit it was your fault. You finally stopped passing and sat on your bed. You were so anger you felt the heat roll down your face. Tears. Tears danced down your face one by one. You became anger at yourself for crying. Crying made you feel weak. You shouted loudly. No one was home so you could yell all you want. You stopped yelling and just sat in your bed crying. Crying at how angry you are at yourself. Just crying your emotions out. You heared your door bust open and a smiley Danny stood there. He's angelic smile disappears as he saw you his girlfriend break down. Your boyfriend has never seem you cry and this was the first. He quickly walked tours you. "(Your Name)?" You looked at Danny's worried eyes with you dull eyes. You wrapped your arms around Danny's neck and cried on your happiness. Danny didn't speak. He didn't ask what was wrong. He just let you cry on him as he rubbed your back lovingly. He's chin laid onto of your head and he would kiss the top of it at time to let you know he's with you. When you were done balling your eyes out. You pulled away from you boyfriend and he looked at you. You didn't wanna talk about your problem. It was a stupid one and you didn't want Danny to be evolved in it. "You don't have to talk of you don't want to my love." Danny said. You nodded your head. "Do you want cuddles?" He raised an eyebrow. A wide smile grow on your face. "Yes please." Danny and you got comfortable in bed as he held for close to him. You laid on his chest as he played with your hair. You closed your eyes enjoying the feeling. You were so happy that Danny came. His present made you feel comfortable and not as sad.


Sadness came flying down one by one. Hate. Hate is that all you get when your on the internet. DM's filled with awful things. Comments filled with scary words that made your heart ache. You looked at your phone and read some of the things people tell you. This people were supposedly your boyfriends fans. "You're so ugly." "Justin can do so much better." "Ew (Your Name) is so fat." "Kill yourself you freak." This comments brought so much insecurities into your life. You couldn't help but feel helpless. You just want the hate to stop. You have never done anything to them. You sat on the floor in a corner and throw your phone only four feet away from you. Your heart felt like nothing yet feel so much pain. The door opening reviling a green eyed boy with the name of Justin. He saw you in the corner. Confinement washed all over him and he run tours you. "(Your Name)? Princess what's wrong?" Justin's voice sounded so hurt. He saw the sat tears came down four fave and it break is beating heart. You didn't say anything you just pointed tours your phone. Justin picked up your phone and his heart sunk down. His eyes viewed the hate. He looked and you and went down to your level. He pulled you into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry (Your Name)." You cried on your boyfriend. You let out the sadness. Tears and tears rolled down soaking Justin's jacket. "I'll send a long ass message to the hater's." He said in your eyes. You calmed down and whipped your tears away. You looked into your boyfriend's eyes and gave him a small smile. "Thank you." You sniffed. "I'm always here you know that princess. Come to me when ever you get hate alright." You nodded you head and went back in Justin's arms. He rubbed your back and kissed your forehead. You felt loved being in Justin's arms. You knew he would always be there to comfort you.

July 16,2016
I was suppose to update yesterday but wasn't done writing this. Anyways today is my baby's birthday. He is 20 already and I'm not okay with that. Anyways Happy Birthday Luke Hemmings!! Is there any 5sos Fam here? There is also 1190 words

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