#2 How He Asked You Out

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You knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer. You,Danny and Alex where gonna hang out today and just watch anime together. The door opened and Damon was right infort of you now. "Hey," He greated with a beautiful smile. You waved and he let you in. "Is Danny here?" You asked. "Oh no him and Alex went to the store to buy junk food." He explained to you. You nodded. "Oh okay. Then i'lol just wait in the living room." You walked over an sat down on the couch. Damon followed you and sat beside you. You and Damon talked for about five minutes. You both laughed and talked about your random stuff. You and Damon have gotten close. You have knew him for three month now and you have developed feeling for the handsome lad. "Hey can I ask you something?" Damon become serious now. "Yeah what's up?" You bit your lips and waited for him to talk. "We have known each other for a while and I like you a lot." He blushed. Your eyes widen. You didn't think he felt the same way. "Really?" You asked. He nodded. "Yeah and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He looked nervous and you just smiled. "Of course i'll be your girlfriend." Damon gives you a big smile. "Finally!" You heard yelling. You and Damon both turn to see Danny standing there with Alex. You blushed and laughed along with Damon.

Danny:You and Danny have been friends for five months now and you two became really close

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You and Danny have been friends for five months now and you two became really close. You grew feeling for him but you'll never admit that to him. "Stop!" You giggled as Danny tickled you. You where in his house spending time with him. "Never!" Danny laughed along with you. "D-Danny stop!" You pleased. "Say I'm awesome first." He smirked down at your as he tickled your side. "I'm awesome." You said. He glared at you. "You know that's not what I meant." Danny rolled his eyes. He didn't stop tickling you and you just laughed way to hard. "I'm a pee stop!" You said. "So?" Danny raised an eyebrow. "This is your bed and hole." You told him. He sighed and moved away from you. "I hate you." Danny said glaring at you. You poked his cheek. "You're awesome." You smiled at him. He smiled back at you. "Can I ask you something?" You nodded. "Do you wanna be mine?" Danny bit his lips looking straight in your eyes. "As in your girlfriend?" You asked shocked. You couldn't believe what he was saying. Danny liked you back? "Yes (Your Name) would you be my girlfriend?" He asked again. You smiled bright at him. "Yes I'll be your girlfriend." He smiled big and hugged you. "Thank god I thought you were gonna say no." He laughed. "Well I didn't." Danny smiled. You moved closer to him and began to tickle him. He giggled. "I so hate you right now." You laughed. "You know that's a big lie."

Justin:You where heading to Justin's place because he invited you to hang out

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You where heading to Justin's place because he invited you to hang out. You and him been friends for six months now and you had a crush on the black and blue headed boy. He was nice to you and understood you but you didn't wanna ruin your friendship. He opened the door and greated you with a tight hug that you gladly give back. He let you in and you both headed to the living room. You both watching old Disney movies and eat junk food like popcorn and skittles. Justin began to throw you popcorn. You ignored him and kept your eyes on the screen. He kept throwing you popcorn so your turn your attention to him. "What?" You snapped at him. "I gotta tell you something." He says staring at you. "Go on." He moved closer to you and whispered in your ear. "I like you." Your eyes winded. Did he just say he liked me? You looked at him shocked. "What?" You asked. "I like you (Your Name) and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" Justin asked with a small smile. You return the smile. "Yes i'll be your girlfriend." Justin gave you a even bigger smile.

" Justin gave you a even bigger smile

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I'm pissed off. Wanna know why? Because one of my beautiful idols got attacked by dumb ass security guards. Like what the hell?! I'm talking about Skate also known as Nate. I'm so mad about that all for protecting a fan. I'm so upset him and his crew got hurt. But here I posted another preference today.

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