#6 First Kiss

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You come over Damon's place as usual to hang out. Damon and you were up in his room watching old episodes of Adventure Time. You layed on Damon lap while he played with your hair. You closed your eyes when he did that because it relaxed you.

"Do you enjoy that?" Damon chuckled.

"Yeah." You giggled.

You felt Damon's gaze so you opened you eyes back up staring up at him. His beautiful eyes meet your (Eye Color) one's. You both just stayed staring at one another for a few minutes.

"You're beautiful." Damon spoke up making your cheeks burn.

His eyes left your gaze and stared down at your lips. He licked his then looked back at your eyes. He finally leaned down and pressed his lips onto yours.

Butterfly felled your belly while his lips moved with yours. This was your first kiss with Damon and you felt sparks and happiness. The kiss was wonderful and magical. Your lips moved perfectly with his. The kiss wasn't rough but slow and passionate.
Damon finally pulled away from your lips and smiled down at you.

"Wow!" He blushed.

"Wow." You smiled up at him.

"That was amazing." He laughed and you joined him.

"Shut up." You rolled your eyes.

"Never! You shut up!" He mocked you.

"No!" You glared at him. "I will not shut up."

Damon leaned down again and pressed his soft lips onto your making you shut up.


You were in Danny's room with him just hanging out. He was laying on his bed with his phone on his hands. Your thought was he was probably on Instagram or on Twitter. You were looking at all his cosplay wigs and deciding which one to take home.

You saw this light blue wig,the dark blue wig,the lovely back wig,the brown wig and the one that caught you eye was his white wig.

You picked out his white wig because it was one of your favorite. You put it into of your head. It was messy on you but you didn't care you just wanted to put it on and have fun with it.

"Hey look Danny I'm look pretty!" You giggled.

Danny looked up from his phone and roles his beautiful eyes while laughing. He put his phone down and come off the bed walking tours you.

"No,you're beautiful." He smiled at you.

You blush and took the nice white wig off of your head. You turned and put his wig back with the others.

Danny wrapped his arms around your waist while your back is to him and kissed the top of your head. You closed your (Your Eye Color) eyes.

He let go of you and you pouted because you wanted to be in your boyfriend arms. You turned around and you saw Danny smiling at you.

You changed that pouted into a bright smile. Danny looked down and your lips then back at your eyes. He licked his lips and bit them lightly. He then leaned forward.

Danny's lips meet your and they moved together perfectly. Butterflies exploded in your belly. You smiled in the kiss and you felt Danny do the same. The kiss was gently and sweet.

When Danny pulled away he was smirking at you and you just rolled you eyes wrapped your little arms around him. He wrapped his arms around you and hold you close.

"That was amazing." Danny whispered in your ear.

"Haha yeah." You blushed at his comments.

"I'm sure gonna do more of that with your perfect lips" He chuckled making you laugh along with him.


You and Justin were in the park playing around. He was chasing you because you both were playing tag.
You both didn't care how old you were you guy's were having the time of your life's.

You giggled when you ran away from Justin. You felt the wind hit your face when you ran. The wind made your hair flow. You were outta breath so you decided to stop. When you stopped running Justin bumped into you making you fall on the green grass.

"Ow!" You whined.

"Sorry." Justin apologize. He tripping as well and was onto of you.

"It's fine." You rolled your eyes playfully.

Justin and you locked eyes and just started at one another. Your gaze and his burned into one another making you smile a little. He finally leaned down and his pink lips touched yours.

His lips moved at the same pass as yours making it a sweet and passionate kiss. Your heart beat raced faster and your belly tingled.

You smiled when you both kissed and so did your boyfriend. This was your and Justin's first kiss and it made you happy.

When Justin pulled away he was a dark red color and so were you. He rolled off of you and stood up holding his hand out for you and you gladly took.

"That was a fun!" Justin grinned.

"Very." You laughed at his cheesy smirk.

Justin leaned down and kissed your cheek. This made you smile even more because it was a sweet way of him telling you he was yours.

"Let's go back to my place and watch movie." Justin offered.

"Okay." You agreed. Justin wrapped his arms around your waist as you both walked tours his house.


March 8,2016
Today was a an okay day. School was long as always but I'm happy that Pretty Little Lies is tonight. I hope you enjoy this!

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