#8 His Friend You Get Jealous Of

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His Friend You Get Jealous Of


You get jealous of Jastin.

You get jealous when Damon talks to Jastin Myles Blake a lot

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You get jealous when Damon talks to Jastin Myles Blake a lot. It makes you mad that he pays more attention to him then to you sometimes. You knew they had a relationship in the past and it scared you that they still talk. It scared you that maybe Damon still liked him.

(I wrote Justin's name like Jastin because I don't want you to get confused with Damon's brother Justin. Also I love Damon And Jastin together like there so cute OMG!!)

Laughing escaped your boyfriends month as he held his phone to his ear. Jastin and him were on the phone for almost two hours and you started to feel pissed that Damon is ignoring your presence.

You sighed loudly making Damon look at you. You just rolled your eyes when he turned his attention back to his friend on the phone.

"Ugh can you just hang up and pay attention to me!" You finally yelled with angry.

"Hey Jastin I'll call you back later alright I got something to do right now." Damon hung up his phone and faced you with a mad look.

"What the hell (You Name)," Arms crossed around Damon's chest. "What was that for?"

You bit your lips scared to tell him the truth. "I'm just scared..." You stared but look down not meeting your boyfriends lovely blue eyes.

"Scared of what?" He asked waiting for an answer.

"Scared that you'll leave me and go back out with Jastin." You finally admitted.

You didn't dare look up at Damon. You didn't want to see his reaction. A small laugh is what you hear come out of his mouth.

"That's not funny!" You glared at him.
Your heart hurting just by thinking about Damon breaking up with you.

Damon walked over to you and cupped your face into his hands.
"Baby girl I'm not leaving you, I love you way to much." He smiled at you.

"If you were scared about this you could have talked about this with me." Damon said.

"I know. I was just scared." You looked him in his eyes. Damon lean down and pressed his lips on yours leaving a small gently kiss planted on your lips.

"Me and Jastin are just friends now. It's you that I wanna be with." You smiled wide at your boyfriend and hugged him.

"I'm sorry for being so jealous." You whispered in his chest. "It's fine baby." Damon kissed the top of your head letting you know that it is okay for you to be jealous.

" Damon kissed the top of your head letting you know that it is okay for you to be jealous

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