Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Spencer Hastings sat cross-legged on the cream colored couch that stood in the living room of her inviting home, staring blankly into space. It had been a week since she'd found out Toby was a liar and a betrayer, yet she failed to acknowledge the news. She had been in a trance, ignoring everything everyone said or did.

The blue light bouncing off of the TV screen flickered, casting an eerie glow on Spencer's face. She blinked, as if she had just now realized where she was.

Glancing at the soap opera that was playing on a random channel, she focused on the characters on-screen.

"I will always love you, Sophie," whispered a husky voice. The camera panned to an image of a man with blonde hair and startling purple eyes. He gazed into his lover's face, grabbing the actresses' hand. Finally, it showed a girl with long black hair, her brown eyes wide.

"I love you, too, Tom. Forever and ever." she murmured back.

Spencer grabbed at the remote and pointed it straight in the middle, turning off the television. A single tear trickled down her pale cheek. She began to sob painfully, breaths getting caught in her throat as she gasped, lunging for air.

Managing to calm down, she fumbled around and turned on her phone. Spencer wondered who to call, almost dialing Toby by accident. Realizing she'd forgotten to delete his number, she quickly erased the tab, watching the familiar digits disappear.

Spencer scrolled down the long list of contacts, some of which she didn't even remember. She flicked her thumb over the J section, then went back up. There was only one name there, and it was Jason's. He was on speed dial, so she called him with the press of a button.

"Please pick up, please!" she begged to the empty air, only to get no reply.

"Hello, you've reached Jason DiLaurentis. Leave a message, at the beep." his deep voice boomed, followed by muffled static.

Spencer sighed heavily, tossing her iPhone onto the small table. It landed next to the tissue box, where she promptly pulled a few out and blew her nose loudly. No. She wasn't going to sink back into the pillows pathetically and watch reruns of the Brady Bunch.

"I'm going over there," she said aloud, surprised at how her voice sounded. It was croaky and hoarse, resembling the noise a sick frog would make. Spencer stomped over to the desk nearby and shuffled around in the drawers. She felt something cold and metallic in her palm.

Pulling out the flashlight, she tiptoed to the door and snuck out, darting around the corner. Spencer stopped at the green and red DiLaurentis manor. Her first instinct was to knock on the front door, but then she noticed that the garage door was open.

Clicking the button at the center of the flashlight, she shined a sphere of light over the darkness. Brief glimpses of packed cardboard boxes and lawn tools were the only thing she got.

"Jason?" Spencer called, stepping inside. She tracked her feet, brushing them aside things and moving the light around.

"H-Hello? Jason, I need you!"

Her voice echoed, bouncing off the steely gray walls. Suddenly, Spencer heard the words "The girls don't have a clue," being repeated over and over again. She jumped in surprise, beaming her flashlight in the direction of the sound.

A banged and scratched up Mac laptop sat on the cluttered desk, right next to a pair of pliers. The image of Alison's clearly upset face stared back at her. It was haunting to see her eyes, hair, nose and lips again; to hear her voice again. Spencer instantly walked over to the computer and replayed the video.

The Pretty Little Lying Game (A PLL and TLG Fanfiction) *PAUSED*Where stories live. Discover now