Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The liars were leaving the hotel they'd stayed in the next day, which was the Catalina Park Inn Bed and Breakfast. Hanna'd wanted to stay at La Paloma, a resort and spa they'd found earlier, but, to their dismay, it was much too expensive. They could barely even afford the room they had gotten yesterday at the inn. Right now, they were all boarding Spencer's silver Toyota Highlander, and had stuffed their suitcases in the spacious trunk.

Soon, they'd be on the road, back to Sutton's house. Or Emma's. They were still a little shocked and confused from Emma's secret. What did Emma know about Sutton and Alison? Not much, probably. But they still had to work together to figure out as much as they could. After all, it would bring them one step closer to solving their friend's mystery.

Surprisingly, Aria had offered to drive, although she hadn't done it much when they went on trips together. Spencer, Hanna and Emily were all squished in the back, talking, complaining and hovering over their phones. "Oh my god!" Hanna cried, looking miffed.

She clutched her iPhone with both hands, thumbs rubbing at the pink and black case. "I got a text from Emily's parents asking where she was."

Emily gasped, and looked over to the message. Her parents had been known for being absolute perfectionists, similar to Spencer's strict parents. They were probably going insane right now!

"Uh, t—tell them I'm okay," she mumbled, mortified.

Soon, they were all getting frantic calls and texts from frazzled parents unknown of their daughters' whereabouts. Aria tried to imagine what her parents and brother were thinking right now, but it was hard when they were so far apart. And Ezra, too. Although they had broken up not too long ago, Aria couldn't help but imagine what he was doing. Did he have a new girlfriend? Was he already over her? He knew she did it to protect him, right? That it wasn't really over between them?

Typing noises, clicking keys, and sending dings echoed through the car. Spencer sent a quick note back to Melissa and her mom. Yes, she was fine, no, she wasn't telling you where she was. The last thing she needed while going on this mission was a bunch of people worrying about her. She was going to be okay. Why couldn't they get that?

Emily sat next to the right window in the back, calming down her girlfriend, Paige. She felt kind of bad, just getting up and out like this, leaving everything behind with hardly an explanation. She mulled over her wording and finally decided on:

We're going to be fine. It's just some stuff with Alison. Be back before you know it. -Em

Fifteen minutes passed, and they finally arrived at Sutton's two story stucco house. earlier, they hadn't had the chance to admire it. It had big arched windows, and cacti, palms and a few nicely maintained flower beds covered the gravel front yard. An ornament of a flower hung on the front door. Birds chirped, swarming around the lemon trees in the backyard happily. Ornately carved chairs were pushed back into the corners of the porch for comfortable sitting, and a small endtable stood slightly crooked, with an overturned copy of A Wrinkle in Time lay there, spine facing up.

Spencer was the first to climb up the inviting steps to the home. She looked through the foyer window, spying the baby grand piano and chandelier she'd gaped at yesterday.

"Stop that!" Hanna hissed. She motioned with her fist for Spencer to knock on the door. Nervously, which was a new thing since she'd always been so brave before, she tapped twice on the door.

It slowly opened, and they were face-to-face with a woman well into her fifties. Her hair was a deep shade of blonde, much like Laurel's, the girl they'd seen in the single picture. Streaks of gray were at her temples, and she had minute lines around her eyes. Wrinkles were poked in here and there on her pretty face. This was Sutton's, (or Emma's, rather) mother.

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