Chapter 11

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"What are you doing here?"

The liars turned around to find Laurel standing with her arms crossed, glaring at them.

Aria made a face like she didn't know what the blonde was talking about. "What do you mean? We just had dinner."

"Yeah, and now it's time for you to go home." Laurel said firmly.

There was no way they could get into the basement with her watching them. Was she just gonna stand there until they left?

Hanna sighed, fixing Laurel with a matching look of contempt. "Look, Goldilocks, I don't know what your problem with us is, but you need to calm the fuck down and stop treating us like we're out to get you."

Emily tried to hide her smile at the comeback. They knew Laurel was just being protective, but this was getting ridiculous. They dealt with enough shit talk back home.

Spencer straightened herself and tossed her head. "Hanna's right. What exactly is the big deal? You hear the name Alison and all of a sudden that gives you the right to treat us like garbage."

Laurel looked a little caught off-guard by their candor. Four against one, and the odds weren't in her favor. But she smoothed back her hair and gave a little sniff. "Garbage isn't the word I would use." 

Aria's eyes flashed in anger. "You and your little bitch posse have been giving us looks, whispering about us, insulting us to our face, and you still don't have the decency to tell us why?"

"Yeah, and let's not forget that dinner fiasco! Trying to make us look bad in front of your parents? That's low. Real low." Hanna hissed.

"It's because of ALISON!" Laurel shouted. 

The four were taken aback.

"Because your best friend is horrible. She's bad news. So excuse me for being a little wary."

Emily exhaled slowly. "Don't you mean was?"

Laurel's face morphed into a look of regret. Oh yeah. Alison was gone. Now she was faced with four incredibly angry girls, whom she'd just majorly insulted. Friends of Alison, otherwise known as the biggest she-devil in the world. Her heart sank. She wished Madeline and Charlotte were here. They'd know what to say. 

"Do us all a favor and leave us alone. All we're trying to do is figure out what happened to her and her connection to you and Sutton. Maybe you'd be better off helping us, but it doesn't look like you're willing to do that." Spencer said.

She had nothing to say to that. Before they could talk any more, all four girls' phones went off. They looked at each other in panic.

"What the hell just happened?" asked Laurel, looking at them oddly.

"It's probably just some mass text spam thing." Emily said. 

Laurel rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'm getting out of here." She turned away and ran to the door, slamming it shut. 

The second she was out of sight, they glanced at their phones. The text was exactly the same for each of them.

They're on to you, and so am I. Don't disappoint me. -A

Like usual, they glanced around to see if A was nearby. Nothing. The girls tucked their phones away and stepped away from the Mercer house. They didn't want Sutton's parents to catch them loitering.

"What now?" Aria asked.

"Where did Emma go? Wasn't she supposed to let us in?" Emily posed uncomfortably.

The Pretty Little Lying Game (A PLL and TLG Fanfiction) *PAUSED*Where stories live. Discover now