Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

That next morning, the liars stepped off of the Greyhound bus they'd taken, dragging their suitcases and bags behind them. The bus sped off, leaving them to cough from the exhaust. Within seconds, they were fanning themselves from the humidity.

"God, why is it so hot here?" Aria complained.

"We're in the desert state. It's gonna be hot. Deal with it!" Hanna blurted out.

They just ignored her, used to Hanna's constant retorts and comments. Continuing to walk, they swifted through the streets, window shopping and giggling, although there would be no time for laughs once they arrived. Spencer noticed a shop that had a sleeping kitten in the window, surrounded by platforms with shoes and bags standing proudly atop.

"Aww. . .it's adorable!" Spencer cooed.

The rest of them turned and stared at her blankly.

"What?" she demanded.

"It's just. . .we've never really seen you laugh since. . .everything." Emily mumbled.

"Oh. Well, I guess it just, um, felt nice to forget about all of the messages and secrets and dead bodies for a second and enjoy life," Spencer sighed dreamily.

"To breath in the air and laugh and talk, instead of using up our time solving new mysteries like overworked detectives." she finished.

"But isn't that the reason we did this in the first place? To find out the reason Alison visited this place? You do know that, right?" Emily looked her worriedly.

"Yes. I know. I know." Spencer stared ahead, monotonously replying.

Emily shifted uncomfortably. Hanna bit her lip and Aria fumbled with the strap of her black Coach bag. "Over there!" Aria shouted, pointing to a sign with a large greyhound dog on it reading Tucson Downtown.

They all ran at once to the low-slung post, heels, boots and flip-flops smacking and clacking against the sandy-colored sidewalks. "We need to call a taxi, and head to the Sabino Canyon," Spencer said.

Just then, a yellow cab pulled up, almost begging for then to take it. So they did. There was difficulty fitting four seventeen-year old girls in the crammed leather backseat of the tiny car, but they managed, although Hanna yelped everytime Emily's elbow jabbed her narrow hipbones.

But eventually, they passed the many boutiques, shops and large houses that led to the canyon. Their shoes crunched across the gravel as they shuffled over to sit on a crammed bench to rest. The sky was colored pink and yellow, hinting that night was almost near. It had been around five thirty when Spencer had discovered the tape.

Hikers emerged from the canyon trail, stopping to stretch and drink their sweetened-with-Splenda water. Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer got up and brushed the dirt and sand off of their clothes. They turned around and carefully hopped down the hill of dust.

"I just realized—we have no idea where this chick's house is." Hanna blurted out.

"That's okay," Emily said, looking at something behind Aria. "Because she's right over there,"


Within minutes, they had all ran over to her in the distance, excused themselves and grabbed her on the arm.

"We need to talk, Sutton," Hanna growled, putting emphasis on the T's.

The girl's emerald green eyes widened and she grabbed a lock of her chocolate brown hair.

The Pretty Little Lying Game (A PLL and TLG Fanfiction) *PAUSED*Where stories live. Discover now