Over The Oxer

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"How many times do I have to say this Jackie?" My mother said setting the Starbucks down on the table in front of us. She pulled out the chair next to her, "We can not afford for you to go to Hartsferd. It is just way too expensive." I groaned "But mom, You don't understand. I have to go. It's the only way I'll get into the dance academy in Broxford."

"I do understand Jackie. If you need to get in so bad, pay for it yourself. We have no spare money to lend you." she said sipping on her mocha shake.

"Fine, I will. I have a a well paying job, I'll just save up."

Hartsferd was an elate school for the gifted around here, Broxford was a dance academy that could take me to fame. So you can see why I wanted in. Broxford rarely accepted any students and proteges from any other school except from Hartsferd. I had been dancing since I could remember and I figured what better way of living than to live your dream? But I guess dreams cost over the amount our family had. Although the more I thought about it, the more I wondered if my mother was lying. We had just bought a pool the same amount of tuition so how could we not afford Hartsferd?

"Are you not wanting me to go?" I asked in the silence of the coffee shop.

"Why would you think that? Hartsferd and Broxford could be your ticket to your career. If we could pay for it then we would. But even if we had the money, we'd be paying for you to party."

Something clicked in my head as she was talking.

"You don't want to pay because they are both party school." I said in a very non emotional tone. Even though inside I was full of hate and rage.

"Jackie I think this conversation needs to end. You aren't understanding me and this will go nowhere unless it just stops."

"you're damn right it needs to end. I'm going to Hartsferd weather you like it or not. End of discussion."

The car ride home was silent. I did not bother to look up from my phone.

Me- Can you believe it though? That's ridiculous. Not spending money for your daughter and her future because the school is so called 'party central'

Taby- it is. So what you gonna do about it?

Me- Find a second job and pay for it myself.

Taby- Holy shit. That's a lot of money to save jacks. You sure you can do it?

Me- Positive. I thought about going over to the rich side of town and working at one of the stables.

Taby- oooooooo Go work at the groveners! I heard that got some cute staff their!

Me- Work and flirt? Sounds good to me!

Later that night I found the groveners number on their website and dialed their number.

"Amber grove speaking."

"Hi Amber. This is Jackie McCarter and I recently saw an add on your website about needing an extra stable hand. I was wondering if I could somehow apply."

"Well unfortunately Jackie, that spot was filled about an hour ago. I'm sorry dear."

"It's alright. Could I leave you my cell number incase a spot comes up?"

"You sure can!."

"Alright 517-516-12769"

"Alright Jackie, I'll be sure to call you first before putting the offer up on the website."

"Thanks so much."

"Yeah no problem, have a nice evening."

"You too."

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