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When I was in 8th grade I had signed up for this website to meet new people. The only people who ever talked to me were mostly boys, So of course I had found a boyfriend, but the way we meet was kind of funny. We started talking and found out our best friends were dating eachother. So when my friend had a jumping show that her boyfriend was coming to I tagged along with her and he tagged along with him. It was like love at first sight, He was tall dark and handsome. At the time he was a sophmore in high school but we didn't care about our ages. He asked me to be his girlfriend that day, before taking off with his dad. As soon as I got home I called him and we talked on the phone till four in the morning.

The next months were pure bliss, we never fought, ever. I was begining to think he was the one I would be with for the rest of my days, but that was only four months in and I was a dumb 14 year old. On our four month aniversery we snuck out. He had just gotten his lisence and was feeling rebelious. He picked me up at the end of my dirt road and we drove to an abandoned feild. That I would never forget infact at times I still play it over in my mind for shits and giggles. Our lips touching, fingers wandering, soon after our skin touching. I left something with him that night, and he left something with me, something that we could never gain back in a million of years. A memory that would soon come back to haunt me. After six months we were out of the blissfull couple stage and were more like best friends. He came to all my sporting events and I went to all his. But just after our seven month aniversery passed I had gotten a message from a boy, not just any boy, my long time middle school cursh. I didn't think he knew I even exsisted. He was going to be a sophmore in high school as I was going into my freshman year. I was filled with joy when I started talking to him. I couldn't believe my crush knew who I was, better yet, he thought I was CUTE. The more I messaged him the more I began to forget about my boyfriend. But he didn't realize it because he had practice from the time he got out of school till 5 and didn't have time to talk once he was home due to his homework. Things started getting tense, we started fighting a little more. October flew by and we were both getting tired of eachother. November was gone before we knew it and christmawas here and go. New years approached and  I was still having fun talking to someone who apprectiated me, and that was not my boyfriend. One day my crush texted me and told me to give him a hug by his locker. I was giddy with joy and agreed. I wasn't cheating on my boyfriend, just hugging a friend, and he wouldn't even know, his school was an hour away from here! I meet with my crush last hour near his locker. He smiled at me as he put his books in his backpack. My heart raced and butterflies fluttered in my stomach from just one smile. I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I barried my face in his shoulder and smiled. I felt his strong muscular arms around me pulling me tight. I pushed away from him and smiled. He smiled down at me and then laid his lips on mine. I was in heaven. He was the best kisser I had meet. I didn't realize what had I done till my friends started yelling at me as I walked down the hallway. My grin from ear to ear faded fast when my best friend informed me that I had a boyfriend and eventually he WOULD find out. My heart sank into my stomach. I wasn't one to cheat, hell I hated cheaters after I saw my brother go through what he did when his long time girlfriend cheated on him. But soon I became acustom to this nasty feeling in my stomach. I loved the rush of feeling bad, like I was getting away with a crime. I started kissing him more, making sure it was more lustfull each time, biting his bottom lip here and there.

My boyfriend had not found out after three weeks of cheating on him. Until I pulled the biggest stunt of my life. Not only did I lie to my boyfriend but to my parents too. I told both I was going to stay after school to study then go to the basketball game. My boyfriend knew I wanted to go to this game as it was against his team and he would come too. The both believed me, it was easy and when the plan started to take its course I could start feeling that nasty rebelious guilty feeling. It was like a drug I couldn't live without. My plan was to go home with my crush, hang out, and he would drop me off when the J.V game started. All went well and when I got to my crush's house no one was home. We walked to his neighbors house and sat in his friends room. His firend opened a bag of something, I couldn't tell what it was but it smelled like skunk in a bag. The smell was kind of alluring though, I was curious. He rolled it into a small white paper and lit the end of it. He took a hit of it and passed it to my crush. He also took a hit and he handed it towards me. "What is it?" I asked. "Weed." He replied with a sexy grin. I took the what I now know as a joint and inhaled it deep into my lunges. I could feel my body start to feel light. The colors around me started to look brighter, like my vision was HD or something. Before I knew it I hit the joint 3,4,5 times. I was higher then the boys by the time I was done. "shit. I have o get you to the game." He said looking at his phone. I looked down and saw that it wass 7:15. Not only did I miss the J.V game but I was late to the Varsity game too. How was I going to explain this to Mac, my boyfriend.

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