Starting Over

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I woke up and stretched my arms out wide. My shades had been drawn back and the sun was shining through my window, warming my toes at the foot of the bed. forst was painted onto my window making things a little disorted looking but even then everything looked so beautiful. A knock came from my door, "Come in."

"Hey there" smiled Dale from the cracked door. "Your mom left for work so she said for me to take you into school to get your school work you missed." He said stepping in. I groaned, "School?"

Dale laughed, "Oh I know, I know"

I sat in Dales warm truck as he packed my wheelchair into the back seat. "I ca't wait to ditch that damn thing"

"You'll be out of it soon enough." He said climging into the drivers seat.

We arrived at school and something hit me while we drove around trying to find a parking spot. Everyone was going to swarm me, tell me how sorry they are, basically throw me a pitty party. "Great" I mumbled to myself. "Lets see how many people who have never talked to me, tell me how they missed me." I thought to myself.

Dale pushed me into the office and all at once all the secretaries were swarming me. "You poor thing." one said. I quitely rolled my eyes as they never cared for me before I was crippled. "Would you like your things brought to you or would you like to get them yourself?" A thin, tall lady said after all things came to a calm. "I'd like to go get them myself thank you." And with that I wheeled MYSELF out of the office. Dale came after me shocked that I knew how to work my wheelchair so well. "Should I..."

I cut him off, "I can do it on my own." I kept rolling down the main hallway till I came to my homeroom. I knocked on the door and waited till a face apeared in the small window. It was my homeroom teacher, Ms. Till

"Jackie, it's nice to see you back." As she said my name the loud, rowdy classroom came to a low murmer then completley silent. I wheeled into the room and looked at everyone. All eyes were fixed on me, not one of them breaking their gaze. I waved at everyone and put on a fake smile. Out of the corner of my eye I could see several familiar faces. Tabitha, but I couldn't put a name on the guy she was hugging. But I noticed when my gaze fell on them she ripped her arms off him. I realized who it was and my stomach dropped. Tabitha had her arms around Tyler. It shouldn't make me upset, but somehow it did. Tabithas mouth opened a bit, unsure if she should apologize, or even if I saw them. Even I was unsure of what I was seeing. "I'l be up to get my work in a moment. Ms. Till." I said not breaking my gaze with them. tabitha stood and I motioned for her to sit back down. If looks could kill, they would both be dead. I wheeled over to them and stopped several feet away from their chairs. "So you guys are friends now huh?" I laughed. Tabitha stammered but no complete words came out except for "I... I..I"

"This is how I'm repaid when I come back from being in a car accident that could have left me paralyzed forever?"

"Jackie you shouldn't care. It's not like WE'RE dating."

"You're right Tyler. We aren't. But Tabitha should know damn well, as my bestfriend, that she shouldn't be going after something that WAS mine. It's disrespectful." suddenly a fire lit in Tabithas eyes. "Just like you stole my job spot at the barn? That wasn't mine?"

"Is that what this is about? A job. You're backstabbing your bestfriend of almost a decade, over a job that you wouldn't have even got in the first place? Tab you can't even ride a horse!" I hissed

Tabitha turned to Tyler and shrugged. "You're sick." I said to her. It was like a light sizzle came from the fire burning in her chest, because I had just poured water on it.

I wheeled down the science wing of the school, putting what had just happened in the back of my mind. I couldn't let me get me down. It wasn't my buissness who she sucked face with anyway, she was never a true friend. A true friend would have visted me in the hospital. I bet you she was screwing him while I laid unconious on the hospital bed. Damn her, damn her to her to hell.

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