He's a money maker [For Real]

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I quickly untied my apron and went into the restroom in the break room. "Well lets pray these fit!" I said crossing my fingers as I slipped on my breaches. I had owned a horse before but that was 6 years ago. He had passed from liver failure and I never wanted to get another horse again, afraid I'd get too attached again. The breaches were a little tight but nothing too drastic that would be noticeable. I slipped on my tall boots and stepped from the restroom. Mark, another cashier looked me up and down as I stuffed clothes into my bag. "Where are you going?" he asked laughing. "To ride obviously." He looked down and laughed. Before I could figure out what he was laughing at he handed me my thong. "You dropped this." I could feel my face turn beat red, of course a guy finding your thong on the floor is embarrassing but the worst part was I liked this kid. I knew he liked me too. I snatched the thong from and hand and shoved it furiously into my bag. "oops." I stammered.

I walked into the barn and ran into a girl carrying a pitch fork in her hand. It was Tabitha. "Jackie?"


"Why are you dressed like that? It's ridiculous."

"I'm riding Casper."


"Yes Ma'am. Riding."

I waled away before another word could be said. I could see amber cantering Casper in the indoor so I went over the the gate. Casper was beautiful, had a great head set and his canter was gorgeous. Something I had not seen in awhile. "You ready?" She asked slipping off and adjusting the stirrup length. I nodded and slipped under the gate. "I have to warn you, I haven't rode in about six years, I may be rusty."

"No worries dear."

I hiked myself into the saddle and sat up straight. Before me on the wall were four large mirrors. I smiled as I saw my reflection. "Alright get a good feel for him." Amber said, who was now standing behind the gate. I gave him a good nudge with my heals and we proceeded forward. As we walked my mind was being flooded with memories of me and Duke, my old pony I had jumped when I was 10. Every step we took felt light, like Duke's were.

"While your riding I'll give you a little more background on Mr.Casper." Amber said breaking my day dream. "His registered name is 'He's A Money Maker'. e's been to two world shows in his time, taking second each time. I couldn't ask for a better horse to ride on. He's been my lesson horse for awhile because he's pretty trust worthy," I gave him another light nudge and we began trotting. I rose and fell still listening to amber. "Never gave me any problems. He loves showing. Oh yes! Almost forgot to tell you. His owner, Myrika, said that if you'd like you can take him to shows with us whenever she doesn't have anything planned for him."

"Sounds good!" I said giving her a thumbs up and then picking up some more rein before driving him towards a fence. It was a moderate one, nothing too huge, I wasn't ready to go big yet. We glided over the jump like it was nothing. "Wow." Amber said. "I didn't realize I had a prow rider here. That was beautiful!" I smiled as we hit another jump, this time a little bigger. It felt great. I felt as if I was riding Duke again. I held two-point as we cantered around by the mirrors. I watched myself and thought back to when I was 10. how I would video tape myself riding, watch it, then critique myself. I turned him into a circle and we came to a slow halt. Amber clapped. "You're a natural sis! Wow." I smiled "Thank you." I reached down and gave Casper a rub on his neck. "He's such a good boy!"

That night I laid awake and looked at my old photos. Photos of me and Duke. That horse had been my life, he sent me flying a couple of times but he was still wonderful. If it weren't for I'm I wouldn't have been this determined to get into Hartsferd. I had loved that horse to know end. Every day after school I'd come home and my mom would have him tacked and waiting for me. We would ride in the paddock. Which now looked liked overgrown weeds. I looked out at it from my window. The weeds glowed a bright orange as the sunset. I pictured me and Duke riding up the big hill and come galloping back to the barn. I looked over at the barn. The doors had been rotting for years. Boards were missing from the back. It looked abandoned. The roof was caving in the left corner and the paint was chipping off of Dukes name plate. I wiped away a lone tear. My joy had passed on and I could do nothing about it.

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