Back to the Barn

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I still had one message unread when I woke up the next morning. It was the message I ignored from Tabitha. I was over being angry and diceded to read it.

Jack I'm sorry for everything that happened. I dumped Tyler and he took it better then I thought, in fact he took it like an asshole and wasn't even bothered. Look I want to see you again and apologize in person. Call me when you're ready -T

I smiled a little and then locked my phone. Hell if I was going to GO to HER for an apology. She could come to me, after all as far as she knew she was the only one who could walk.

I called Dale on my cell phone


"Dale can I go to ride?" is what I wanted to say.

"Can I go to the barn?" is what actually came out

"Well I'm at the market right now and have a few earands to run. I wont be back before 6."

"Its fine, Jase can take me, I just wanted to see if it was okay."

"Oh yeah of course. No riding though." It was like he was reading my mind.

"Alright. buh bye."


I texted Jase to come pick me up when he had a chance and the response was, "I'm in your driveway already. I figured you would want to go today." I smiled. He knew me too well.

With the slight help of Jase I walked into the barn. The smells were so releiving and  couldn't get enough. I stopped to inhale deeply. Amber rounded the corner and stopped in Aw. "Oh my God you're walking!" She cheered. "I thought you were paralyzed." She gasped. "I was." I smiled. She shook her head in disbeleif. "I'm so... this is amazing. I'm so glad you're back!." She said hugging me tightly. When she released me I realized I was standing on my own. I took several steps forward. They were a little stiff but softened as I began to flaunt my walk. Jase and Amber laughed as I walked a circle and smiled. "You want to see Casper? I just got done grooming him!" Amber said pointing down the isle. "Yeah!" I chirped. And for the first time in several months I walked, on my own, down to see Casper. "Here he be!" She said opening the stall door." Caspers head shot up and looked at me for a moment. I stepped into the stall and held out my arms. He walked over to me and nuzzled into me. I felt his warm head heating my torso and when he pulled away I was covered in black fur. My white polo was a little dirty , but it felt nice to feel the dirt and grime of the barn again. "Could you tack him up? I just want to walk around on him." I said to Amber. She nodded and went to get the tack

I sat on Casper tall and proud. I smiled as Amber lead us around the areana. "feel good to be back on?" Amber said looking up at me. I nodded, "Oh hell yes." Jase was off in the corner isle sweeping, not paying attention, and we were facing away from the mirror. I slid my hands down on the reins and tightened my grip. With a silent click and a slight squeeze, we trotted out of Ambers Grip. "JACKIE!" Amber cried, thinking Casper was running off with me. I posted to his trot and felt my core muscles burn. I looked down and saw Caspers shoulders muscles ripple slightly as he took each stride. I lifted my left leg back and we picked up the right lead. "Jackie be careful!" Amber shouted. We galloped towards an oxer and I saw Amber clap her hands over her mouth. "1....2...." We flew over the jump with ease and we came back down elegantly. Amber stopped running towards us and her arms fell limply to her sides. We came to another jump and soared over it again. I slowed him to a trot and then we walked calmly back over to Amber, who was now acompanied by Jase. "What the hell were you thinking?" Jase Growled at me, broom in hand. "Don't try to sound or look angry Jase," I laughed. "I see the proud look in your eye." Jase's arms went slack and he smiled. "Alright. But really you could have screwed up your months of therpay with that stunt you just pulled." Jase rubbed Caspers nose. I smiled and gave Casper another nudge. We trotted forward and I once again qued for the left lead. We galloped around the edge of the areana. I could feel the warm breeze whip my hair back underneath my helemt and I grinned again, wondering how I got here, what brought me to the point of full recovery, and then I remembered, Horses.

After I untacked Casper I asked for a moment alone. I craddled his tired head in my arms and whispered in his ear, "Hey buddy. I don't know if Amber told you but I couldn't walk there for awhile. I had no feeling in my legs. But I recovered from all of it. But I couldn't have done it without you buddy. I would think about how it was to ride you, how wonderful it felt. You saved my life. I can't thank you enough." And just like Duke would do, Casper let out a low winnie, lowered his head deeper into my arms and nibbled on my polo sleave, as if to say "You're welcome"

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