What next?

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock screaming in my ear, The time read 6:02. I pulled myself out of bed and trudged across the cold floor, not caring that it felt like ice on the bottom of my feet. I threw on my blue polo and my American Eagle sweatshirt. Hiking on my skinny jeans, I looked in the mirror. My  hair laid wavy on my shoulders. Deciding not to brush my hair I smoothed cover up onto my face. Mascara, eyeliner... my cell phone buzzed.

"Morning beautiful. Have a good day." I smiled from ear to ear. It had been awhile since I gotten a message like that. "Jackie. Its time to leave for school" Dale said interrupting my happy moment. "Alright." I sighed. I trotted down the stairs and into the kitchen. There was a meal bar and starbucks laying on the counter with my name written on it. "Is this for me?" I said stopping and pointing. Dale rubbed my shoulders, "You're welcome" I smiled. The last time I had starbucks was when my parents were still together and happy.

Today was going to be a good day, I could almost feel it in my bones. I sat in my car and waited for the heater to kick in. Shivering I put the car in drive and made my way down the driveway. I didn't notice how foggy it was till I pulled out onto the road, I even slowed to a stop. I drove slow down the dirt road till I got to the highway. My lights cut through the dense fog as I speed up to 55. looking down at my phone I saw I had one missed text.

"I hope your day is as amazing as you are. I hope the sun shines just as bright as your eyes do I hope you're treated as sweetly as you are. I L...."

I wasn't about to open that text. I knew of people getting very badly injured in texting while driving accidents and I wasn't about to kill myself over a text. I set the phone down and felt the excitement in my stomach. I wanted to so very badly open up the text but I would have to wait. But little did I know I wouldn't be able to read the text for awhile.

The next 2 minutes were the worst minutes of my life. Everything happened so quickly and so abruptly. I wasn't texting, I wasn't reaching for something, my hands were at 10 and 2, eyes fit tightly on the foggy road ahead. I saw lights approaching me quickly, I thought nothing of it because other cars were doing the same. This car was different, it came closer and closer, seeming more and more straight ahead of me instead of to the side. It struck me head on. I heard the glass shatter and the steal, crunching, a sound I would never want anyone to hear in their entire life. I could feel the car lifting and before I could even take another breathe my small car was being flipped over and over again. I couldn't tell how many times I flipped but I thanked god when I came to a halt. I heard screeching tires and prayed to the lord it was someone coming for help. I was wrong. My car spun like a top and came to an immediate stop when I hit what looked like a tree. I was still upside and I could feel my heart beating in every inch of my body, which I was relieved about. I heard voices, I used the strength I have, "Help!" I sobbed. I moved my arm and felt a sharp pain, I looked only with my eyes to see shards of glass poking out of my skin. I felt sick then. "HELP!" I cried louder. The voices approached fast and they were multiplying. a face appeared in the busted out window. "Stay with us hun." Said an older women. My vision became blurry and then it was gone. I could hear faint voices but nothing else.

My body was yanked to the left and my eyes peeled open. I was being pulled from my car. My body shook in the cold air and I couldn't move. I heard a loud shreik from behind me. The shriek was famillar, it was my mom. She was saying something, but I couldn't hear the words that left her mouth. Two fire fighters held her back as she pointed to me and screamed god knows what.

The smell of hospital overwhelmed me as I came to. It was a smell I knew of so well, something I thought I would never smell again. I moved my neck to the left, a sharp pain shot down my spine making me let out a whimper. In the chair next to me sat a guitar, a guitar that looked so famillar but my head was so foggy, I couldn't put two and two together. I heard mumbling outside the doorway and an unfimilar faced peared around the corner. "Oh good you're awake" he said as he walked in slowly. "Can you tell me your name?" He asked. Was he dumb? Judging by the way he was dressed he was certainly a doctor. Just I went to speak I realized I couldn't move mouth. I could feel the muscles twitch but nothing happened. A strange gurgling came from my throat as I tried to force just one simple word out of my mouth. The gurgling became more intense and before I knew what was happening I was screaming, but I was unsure why. I did not feel any pain, or did I? I focused on every limb on my body and like a large crashing wave the pain overwhelmed me. Every inch of my body was in pure agony. I saw the doctor reach for a syringe near the counter and the nurses rushed in to help me. He stuck the needle in and I began to feel weightless. The pain turned to a slight tingling sensation and yet again, before the world went black, I saw Jase in the doorway, tears streamed down his cheeks.

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