Singing Into My Heart

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A loud buzzing noise filled my head as the drowsiness subsided. I slammed my hand down on the alarm and slid off my bed onto the cold wood floor. "Holy Jesus." I said dancing across the floor. "Why is it so cold?" I quickly shoved on my slippers and stood for a moment looking out the window. The paddock in the far, with the dew, and the sun, it was like from a movie. I smiled and went on getting dressed. "Where are you going so early? You've never seen the 6 o'clock sunrise." Said Dale, my moms boyfriend. "I have to meet Dukes owner today." I said pouring myself coffee into a Thermos. "Dukes?"

"Shoot I mean Casper." I said setting down my coffee.

"It's too early for you Jack." He laughed.

"Clearly" I smiled.

If it was one thing I liked about staying with my mom, it would be Dale. He was a charecter, and I have to admit he wasalso quite handsome. I don't know how he was still with my mom though, she was like the wicked whitch and he was princee charming. They didn't match up, yet he has stood by her for years. The money I have gotten from this side of the family always comes from Dale. I can't quite understand it because he pays for me more than he pays for his other daughter, Anna. We arethe same age with the same age but yet in the end he picks me over her, which is why when she comes to visit she socializes with my mother and the neighbor boys, who are, in all honesty, horny, ugly, boys. The only time me and Anna had ever gotten along was before our parents meet, Back in elementary. Believe it or not she was my best friend. But around two or three years ago she became more distant, only because her dad got money out of a lawsuit and they became overly rich. They lived in the rits down the road where Ambers barn is. When her mother cheated on her father, they split and her mother lost the house, all her money, all the cars.It was like they never had any money by the time court was over. The only thing she had left was her mother.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked sipping on his tea.

"Oh I'm fine  Dale. Thanks though!"

"Anytime. How about when you get back we go out to a movie. With your mother of course, You know, like a family thing?"

I stopped packing my bag full of tack to look at him, "I wouldn't use the F word around my mom, it makes her sour."

"Really? Well.. hmm.. Maybe some other time."

I nodded, "Yeah."

The stairs creeked and I looked up to see my sleepy mother walking into the room wearing her fuzzy pink robe. "Morning beautiful." Dale said giving her a kiss. She smiled and went on making coffee. As much as I despised my mother for leaving my father for not a single good reason, I was happy to see she was happy again. But a stuffed animal could make that women happy.

The morning sun warmed me as I drove into the drive of the barn. There were several trucks parked off in the grass, one looking unfimillar. Assuming that truck was Caspers owner, I parked and got out. "Jackie!" said a voice from the isle. It was Jase.

"Hey" I smiled as he approached me.

"Caspers owners here to ride, so why are you here?"

"Oh, I thought I'd meet her. Why not right?" I laughed.

Jase nodded in agreement, "Well I should get back to work." He said looking around. I waved to him and walked away without a word. Playing hard to get was one game I played pretty well, so I was going to try it out on Jase.

I heard hoof beats from the indoor arean as I waled over to the opening near the gate. Sure enough Casper was gluiding over jumps with a fairly tiny women on him. She slowed him down to a hault and looked over at me. "Are you Jackie?" she asked walking towards me. "Yes ma'am" I chirped.

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