Entry 14

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Nothing. So commonly used as an excuse to keep your parents out of your business.

When I cam form a coherent thought, I'll tell you. Because that's how trust works right? I guess.

Even my most trusted friends don't know half of the things going through my mind—even vaguely.

Friends. Hard to find, even harder to keep. One second you can be surrounded by loving, caring human beings and the next second feeling like they are suffocating you.

That's how I felt at the end of last year.
But let's look at how adults believe friends are made, shall we?

Find something in common I guess that's true
Respect other students They say they do. They mean ignore
Invite and Include people to participate No one ever does
Empathy; show you care Empathy; a cover up for gossip
kNow when to support each other How do you do that when they hide themselves away?
Do the right thing At my age no one knows what the right thing is
Say you're sorry We have to much pride for that

'F' was the only reasonable one. The problem is, you can't just say, "Hey! Let's be F's!" Because they will probably think you're crazy. Or maybe friends with benefits–aka: let's fuck!

And there it is. One of the few times I have actually caught myself cussing and writing at the same time. It's very rare for this to actually happen. Well, at least for me.

In a completely different world, I play a game. And in that game, I curse. A lot. I find myself not being able to go five minutes without saying something entirely inappropriate. But then again, in this time, age, and era, things considered "inappropriate" are as normal as going to school until you're 18. Never mind, that's not normal either.

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