•25• Are we using our time wisely?

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Once you'll die, you will go offline on Facebook, WhatsaApp, Viber, Tango, Wattpad, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram

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Once you'll die, you will go offline on Facebook, WhatsaApp, Viber, Tango, Wattpad, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram.

Your phone number will be off. You will no longer receive notifications or even messages or calls from family and friends. The likes and comments, messages and friend requests, profiles and pages that you spend all your precious time in this dunya on will be in vain. In no manner are they going to benefit you in the Hereafter unless you use them for religious purposes with pure intentions merely for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Tala.These applications are another form of Satan. Don't get deluded by them. Despite of being useless (except for some cases) the social media has become a magnet.

We just can't let go off them, why? Is that the case with the Holy Quran? No! Why not? Have these worthless applications replaced the Glorious Holy Quran, do the words, likes and comments of humans matter to us more than Allah Azzawajal's words an...

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We just can't let go off them, why? Is that the case with the Holy Quran? No! Why not? Have these worthless applications replaced the Glorious Holy Quran, do the words, likes and comments of humans matter to us more than Allah Azzawajal's words and commands, His guidance and bounties?!?! ASTAGFIRULLAH Naoozubillah.  These applications have made us blind, we have become  nomophhobic.

Imagine how beautiful and rewarding would both our Dunya and Akhirah be if we maintain such a relationship with the Holy Quran, does anyone of us spend as much time on the Holy Quran as much as we spend on our mobile phones and these applications.

Texting her, liking this, commenting on that, tagging him, trolling them, sharing new songs and latest gossips, is that the purpose behind our creation? Is that what we are left with? Is that how we want to use our time in this dunya?
We are being our own enemies, what could be worse than that!

Once we'll die none of those likes and comments we await, did or made, the songs and movies we shared are going to benefit us in any single way. Stay away from all kinds of distractions brothers and sisters. Limit your use of social networking applications and television. Make the most out of your time in this dunya, be productive! You can do dhikr, there are many dhikrs that are lighter on the tongue and heavier on scale, I'm going to share them soon, In shaa Allah.

Do dhikr in your free time, recite the Holy Quran, read its translation if you don't understand Arabic in order to understand it and act upon its teachings In shaa Allah, ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Tala for forgiveness

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Do dhikr in your free time, recite the Holy Quran, read its translation if you don't understand Arabic in order to understand it and act upon its teachings In shaa Allah, ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Tala for forgiveness.

How sinful are we Don't we think we need Allah's mercy and forgiveness?! He's the most Merciful &  Forgiving, Subhan Allah, we still have time to repent, earn rewards and beautify both our worlds but sadly we are busy on these applications which are our biggest enemies! Time is money!  Don't take it for granted brothers and sisters, none of us is guaranteed tomorrow. Those who are in their graves are longing for the opportunity we still have, imagine a day in grave Will we be able to bear the pain?

We make preparations for every single event that comes up, whether it be weddings, graduation ceremonies or Eid. What about the most essential preparation, the preparation for Akhirah?! Have we started preparing for it? Why are we so casual about it? Why? Would we be the same had we been shown how we will be in our graves, which Scorpio will be biting our toes and which snake would wrap itself around us? Will we be the same had we been shown Jannah Al-Firdaus, the abundant bounties and rewards bestowed upon a true believer?!

 What about the most essential preparation, the preparation for Akhirah?! Have we started preparing for it? Why are we so casual about it? Why? Would we be the same had we been shown how we will be in our graves, which Scorpio will be biting our t...

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Your death wouldn't make a difference to the World in general but your life after death shall then begin. And you would cry your heart out and wish you had fasted, said your prayers, recited the Quran, given Zakat, performed Hajj, asked for forgiveness, enjoined good and forbidden evil, you'd wish you disregarded the comments people passed and obeyed Allah no matter what! BUT in vain.

All that's going to benefit us in the Herafter is the remembrance of Allah Subhanahu Wa Tala, His obedience. And that is only going to be possible if we will recite the Holy Quran and live accordingly instead of MISUSING our precious time on these "good for nothing" applications!

The Qur'an that you read, the 5 daily prayers that you say, the zakat that you give, the Sunnah that you follow, the fasts that you keep, THIS IS GOING TO BE ONLINE, in the real terms. All the things that you will do for the sake of Allah will be online with you inside the grave.

Let all of us think about this. Eventually we are all going to die. Because death is Haqq (right) upon every living thing and every soul shall taste death! Why not prepare for that time? This is the biggest favor we can do to our OWN-SELVES!
No one is going to answer for your deeds.

We can't say we were sick or unprepared for the exam after getting failed, similarly we can't tell Allah Azzawajal we committed a sin because so and so encouraged us to, or we didn't follow your command because so and so made fun of me! Why not st...

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We can't say we were sick or unprepared for the exam after getting failed, similarly we can't tell Allah Azzawajal we committed a sin because so and so encouraged us to, or we didn't follow your command because so and so made fun of me! Why not stop being afraid of people and what they think or say about you? Is that important than what Allah thinks about us? OBVIOUSLY NOT.

Take your decisions wisely, do what's going to benefit you in the long run, in the Akhirah as well in this Dunya. Why not please Allah and have eternal happiness and enjoyment?

How merciful is our Rabb, He has commanded, bestowed and loved us abundantly, He has prepared beautiful rewards for us, Jannat Ul Firdaus Yet how ungrateful and mistaken are we.

How merciful is our Rabb, He has commanded, bestowed and loved us abundantly, He has prepared beautiful rewards for us, Jannat Ul Firdaus Yet how ungrateful and mistaken are we

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Turn to Allah brothers and sisters before you return to Him.  And the Holy Quran says,

"Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion". - (3:185).

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