•46• Live and let live

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Sometimes I wonder how does it make you feel when you call someone characterless without even actually knowing them or ugly when your opinion is not even needed.

Like does that make you look or feel beautiful about your own self?

Like what do people do after passing such comments?

Go to a deep slumber?

Thinking they are some kind of an angel?!

Tell me about the trophies you get for comparing people and the level of their beauty. Tell me how many good deeds you achieve by saying that someone is not pretty, is not desirable, is not worth it!

But is the self satisfaction that you get from that really worth the pain you cause them, or the sins that you commit because of your unkind behaviour.

There is no comparison, no point of comparing two people unless you have to marry one of them or hire one of them for a job.

Live and let live. Is this phrase really that difficult to understand?

Why can you not then let people live their life while minding your own business and guarding your tongue. Don't let this piece of meat spoil your good deeds.

Yes pray for someone or advise them if they are wrong but in the matters that they have no choice, (looks, race, social status, family background) let them breathe, let them live their life as much as they can.

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