•42• Be grateful for what you have

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"...if the son of Adam has one valley, he will wish that he had a second, and if he had two valleys, he would wish that he had a third. The stomach of the son of Adam will be filled only with the dust (he is never satisfied)..." (Muslim 1048)
Remember the afflicted. Look around us, to the right and to the left, in front of us and behind us. Do we not see the afflicted and the unfortunate?
In every house there is sorrow and upon every cheek run tears. Everyday someone loses a loved one, while it is the Dunya we chase. And every second there is a family starving to death, while everything we have, we throw away and waste. How many people persevere with patience regardless of the amount of calamities they face? The things we take for granted, are the very same things these people pray for day and night.
"Will you not, then, take heed? For should you try to count Allah's blessings, you could never compute them." (Surah An-Nahl:18)
You are not alone in your troubles, which are few compared to those of others. How many sick people remain bedridden for years while suffering from unspeakable pain, yet we complain of heartaches we brought upon ourselves? How many people are in their graves begging Allah for another chance to pray, yet we're too busy chasing this life?
Rather than waiting for the next supplication to be answered, recognise what you already have, which others have long been yearning for. How ungrateful we have become.
If we can't be grateful for the blessings we have today, how will we be content with the blessings we get tomorrow? Be content with what you have and be grateful for what you've been blessed with. In Sha Allah we will learn patience, you will learn to accept life's trials, what Dunya throws at you and you will feel pure bliss with far less.
"And whatever of blessings and good things you have, it is from Allah." (Surah An-Nahl:53)

" (Surah An-Nahl:53)-

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