Monday Reflections

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The difficulties and ease in your life are not directly proportional to Allah's hate or love in your life.

Do not attribute difficulties or hardships in life with Allah's anger or displeasure with you. So many of us already have it bad with our life's difficulties and to pair that with the thought that "Allah mujhse naraaz hai/ Allah is not pleased with me" is a sure route to absolute disaster for eeman, self worth and productivity.

When we study Islam we realize nearly every pious person was tested with the worst of hardships and we learn from Qur'an and Sunnah that Allah in his infinite mercy and wisdom was actually pleased with them all and had a higher calling for them in life.

If you are going through difficulties never for a second think or let others make you think Allah hates you.

Rather redirect that negative assumption and focus on the fact that through this hardship Allah is bringing you closer and closer to your higher calling and status in this temporary life AND MORE IMPORTANTLY IN THE HEREAFTER that Allah truly wants for you.

Ayyub was so sick he was feeding insects on his wounds.
Maryam delivered a baby on her own (just imaging this sends shivers down my spine).
Yusuf was thrown in a well.
Yunus got swallowed by a whale.
Ibrahim was thrown into fire by his own father and tribe.
Mohammed lost his parents as a child.
Musa had to stand up to pharaoh.
And the list is endless - may Allah be pleased with them all and have mercy and blessing on them all - ameen ya rabbi.

They were all tested severely and we all know that Allah was pleased with THEM ALL! <3 :)

As Muslims we are supposed to have good expectations from and of Allah and His Qadr for us. The best hopes are the ones put in Allah subhanahu wata'ala - everybody else is going to let you down.

Waokhra tuhibboonaha nasrunmina Allahi wafathun qarreebun wabashshirialmu/mineen
And [you will obtain] another [favor] that you love - victory from Allah and an imminent conquest; and give good tidings to the believers.
{Surah As Saf 61: Verse 13}

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