•40• Don't break the Hearts ♥

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On one occasion Rasulullah ﷺ adressed his wife Aisha رضي الله عنها and stated 'Ask me for anything today and I will not refuse you

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On one occasion Rasulullah ﷺ adressed his wife Aisha رضي الله عنها and stated 'Ask me for anything today and I will not refuse you.' Upon hearing this she was overwhelmed and she asked if she could take her father's opinion in this. After telling her father, Hazrat Abu Bakr about this, he said 'Ask the Prophet of Allah to share with you one of the secrets that Allah shared with him on the night of Miraaj.' When Hazrat Ayesha R.A asked the prophet of Allah, he smiled and said, 'One of the three things I was told was that if someone were to mend someone's broken heart, then Allah takes it upon himself to allow him entrance to paradise without any questions asked' She happily went and narrated the story to her father, after which he started crying. Hazrat Ayesha رضي الله عنها asked him why he was crying, and he said, that nothing is Mandatory upon Allah, yet he has promised Heaven to whomsoever mends a broken heart, then look at the other side of this, what if someone breaks someone's heart? What will Allah do then? ' -

This message sent from Allah to us as a great means of entry to Jannah and on yawmul qiyamah, many will be waiting for their deeds to be accounted for, whilst such Good-doers will enter بے حساب (without reckoning!) -

Hurting anyone with our speech is considered a Major sin so be very mindful of your conduct with people! Remember the rights of people (حقوق العباد) lie between you and them, not Allah, so they can hold you accountable due to your actions towards them. -

Allah is Al Adl - The Most Just, and although animals are also the Creation of Allah ﷻ, we are taught that they will not be raised in the afterlife, unlike us. However, if unjustice has occurred between animals, i.e, a horned animal happens to attack and cause injury to a non- horned animal, Allah will raise the two on qiyamah solely to settle justice between them and grant a pair of horns to the non-horned animal in order for it to take equal revenge before turning them both to dust after having served their purpose. -

Such is the Justice of our Lord! May Allah allow us to take heed and spread peace and goodness between His Creation.

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