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I have noticed that people are attracted towards 'filled dining tables'. I call this disease as 'dining syndrome'. Why is that a 'gareeb' (poor) guests are given 'samosas' and 'sharbat' and whenever the rich ones bumps into our house, the construction of dining table begins.

We rush to decorate the table. The table looks like a 'dulhan' (Bride) with flower cloth placed on it. Crystal cutleries embellished. Forks and spoons of different kinds adorns the table. Women prepare varieties of food items. Starters, desserts, pies, spicy noodles, seafoods, seasonal juice etc. Why? Why such preparations? Are we serving our guests for the sake of Allah?

Our prophet Muhammed used to entertain guests. He was 'just' and 'honest' in his serving. He helped the poor. He was the first to give 'sadaqah' (charity). His every act was for the sake of his lord. 

The human race are retarding. We are living in a society where our dining table decides the value of our guests! This is indeed a wrong approach.

No 'mazhab' (religion) teach this! Guests brings 'barakah' (glad tidings) with them. Welcome them with both hands. Serve them with whole heart. Laugh with them. Talk about good things. Release a ray of hope. Share ideas. Don't backbite about anyone. Smile. Tell them that you care about them. It is only then we will be able to create a linkage of happiness and hope between us. Thank you.

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