♥ Slave of Allah ♥

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The sad part is you will always have people laugh at you for being so "serious" about Islam. The good part is, if you struggle a little more, you can weed out these negatives from your life and strengthen your resolve to be an even better slave of Allah. Jannah is your goal, remember?

There was once a time when only those who were faithless used to mock those who had faith... but that time has passed, Today we have our own Muslim brothers and sisters defending and standing up for ignorance and mocking those who are religious... if you try to enjoin good and forbid ANY evil you see... (as the Prophet peace be upon him has commanded us) you will instantly be labelled as the haram police... i hate this term because it is allowing ignorance to breed and grow in our ummah and those who are young and lack knowledge are being influenced by the misguided...

I ask Allah to guide us ALL back to the straight path.

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