Chapter Sixteen: The Office

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Chapter Sixteen

The Office

Melody's P.O.V

"Mel they have a tank! They're gonna blow it up!"

I expected fear to overwhelm me. To consume me like it had so many times before. Instead, the fear that was slowly devouring me, fled. All the despair, the dread and the panic. They all vanished and left in their place a devastating rage that left my hands shaking at my sides.

"Why?" I all but growled into the radio.

"The infected are climbing up the tower! Mel you have to hurry! The tank's already in position!"

I hurled the radio at the wall of the kitchen and screamed in frustration. I kicked the counter and grabbed on to the first loose item my hands could reach, throwing them in all directions. I picked up a large plate and smashed it on the floor, stamping my foot down on its shattered remains. A hand curled around my wrist but I flinched back. Spinning around I looked at Alan as he surveyed the destroyed kitchen.


"We have to go! Now!" I hissed through gritted teeth. My nails dug into the palm of my hands as I walked past him and over to Robyn. She had lost consciousness and lay still on the table, a blood stained bandage wrapped securely around her abdomen. Alan walked into the room and stared at me closely, keeping his distance.

"Pick her up," I said, pointing down at Robyn. "We have to go now." I explained with a hushed urgency. I ran over to the elevator and pressed the small button.

"Mel were safe up here! We can't go, not yet!" Alan exclaimed, grabbing my shoulders and forcefully guiding me back towards Robyn. I slapped his hands off of me and turned to face him.

"We need to go! They have a tank and there gonna blow up the restaurant!" I yelled pushing him away from me and stepping towards the elevator. He just looked at me confused before a large explosion crashed the silence around us. The ground shook violently and knocked us both off of our feet.

Alan regained his balance quickly and dived towards Robyn, picking her up in his arms. I looked past them towards the window and involuntarily gasped as the tower gradually began tilting towards the ground. Slowly my body began to slip towards the window as I heard the crashing of plates in the kitchen. I clawed out at whatever I could but there was nothing around me. I dug my nails into the carpeted floor to slow my decent but it made little difference. The whole building began to creak and moan as the tower propelled towards the street.

I grabbed onto the leg of a table as my feet began dangling in the air. I looked down and watched the snapped wires flail about as the tower fell closer and closer to the building beside it. I threw my head up, the burn in my arms already begging me to let go. Loose chairs and cutlery from the kitchen flew down and crashed into the windows. I looked around frantically, trying to find Alan or Robyn anywhere.

I looked down just in time to witness the tower clash into the building. All windows shattered as glass and debris flew everywhere. The sudden jolt of the collision knocked my grip off of the table and sent me falling into the other building. I hit the ground with a harsh thud. The impact of my weight broke the floor and sent me spiraling downwards. As my body hit the floor a cluster of debris fell from above and rained down on me. Uselessly, I held my hands up before my face but it was no use.

The last sound I heard was the wailing of the infected.


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