Chapter Nine: Mr. Murphy

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I hope those who are still reading this story enjoy. :-)

Chapter Nine

Mr. Murphy

Melody's P.O.V

I awoke to the sound of chalk scraping against a board. A thunderous ache in the back of my head forced me to grimace in pain. I felt immensely dozy and couldn't yet convene the strength to open my eyes. I sat still, only now noticing I couldn't move my arms or legs. Mustering all the strength I had in me, I slowly opened my eyes. A strangled groan escaped me as the fluorescent lights escalated the severe pain. I looked down at the small square desk I was occupying and frowned at the thick leather straps that bound me. I shut my eyes tight as the pain continued to increase.

I bit my lip in grief as the loud drums pounded through my skull. I gritted my teeth and groaned in pain and frustration. I desperately tried to wriggle my arms out of the heavy straps but failed miserably. I leaned back in the cold hard chair and tried opening my eyes a second time. The pain surged slightly but not as severely as the first time. I looked around the room, at first only seeing a mash of blurry objects but after several blinks things slowly became clearer.

A tall man in a black suit stood at the front of the room with his back turned to me. He stood still, frantically scribbling on the dark board. I silently choked as fear swallowed me whole. I pulled, tugged and tried to bite my way out of the bands but it was all useless. They were too thick and tight. I hung my head in the air, temporarily defeated.

"Psst, hey!" A voice smaller than a whisper spoke. I looked to my right and found a pale, muscular man with short spiky brown hair staring at me intently. He, like me was tied to a table with thick bands.

"Where are we?" I asked quietly, afraid that the man at the front of the room may hear us. Every fibre in my body told me he was evil.

"We're still in the school. Are you the girl I asked to come help me?" His grey eyes were dark and full of sorrow, he looked utterly exhausted. Like he hadn't slept in years. I nodded my head slowly, looking him up and down. I had expected him to be wearing a uniform. Not black cargo pants and a tight-fitting white shirt. He shook his head and muttered under his breath, a look of pain crossing his features.

"I'm so sorry, I never should have asked you to come here." He stated, carefully avoiding my gaze. He kept his head down as if he were truly ashamed of asking for my help. I looked to the front of the room and back, scanning the room for anyone else. Out of the twenty or so desks we were the only two occupying them. I looked at the man standing at the front of the room. He continued to write on the board, as if there was nothing else in the world.

"Who's he?" I squeaked, directing my question to Carl but keeping my gaze on the man.

"No idea. I thought he was with you until he knocked me out and I found you sitting next to me." I shivered in trepidation.

I clenched my fists shut and tried my best not to quiver. The mans hand left the board and dropped to his side, the small piece of chalk falling to the ground with a soft thud. Slowly, he turned around and faced the two of us. His vacant expression escalated my fear to no end. His short grey hair held slithers of white, and his dark brown eyes conflicted with his paper white skin. He cleared his throat and stepped to the side, giving me a clear view of the black board. In the centre of the board scribbled white letters read: Mr. Murphy.

"Good morning class. Seeing as though most students decided to take the day off today, we shall dedicate our time to a simple pop quiz." His croaky voice made me shake with trepidation. There was no telling what the hell this lunatic was thinking.

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