Chapter Eighteen: Bye Bitches

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Chapter Eighteen

Bye Bitches

Melody's P.O.V

Hundreds, if not thousands of them had piled up against the walls of the hospital.

Their screams joining together to create one deathly shriek in the night.

Nothing was ever easy. And I was foolish for thinking that this would be. There were so many things that just didn't make sense. Why were they all at the hospital? Couldn't they just go away for a few hours and give us a fucking break? From the top floor of the hospital a man leaned out of a window, looking down at the group of infected. He disappeared inside for a few moments before quickly returning with a long black gun. He held it still before shot after shot he began firing it. Each bullet hitting an infected. I turned to Alan

"Why aren't they just climbing up the buildings?" I asked. I didn' understand why they weren't. In the city they had been climbing the sides of all buildings, it was the reason they blew up the tower.

"They're stronger once they've fed." He stated absently as he watched the infected mull around. I didn't bother asking how he knew that. He seemed to notice a lot of things that I didn't seem to pick up on. Obviously I wasn't nearly as attentive as him.

The entire horde seemed fixated on breaking into the hospital. their decaying fists slammed against the walls and windows, demanding entrance.

I looked around the walls of the large hospital building, but I couldn't see any way that we could get in without the infected noticing us. It was obvious that the military had drawn the horde of infected towards the hospital when they arrived. And then attracted more of them when they began shooting at them from the windows. I felt like dropping to the ground and crying. We had no weapons and our hope was diminishing. at least mike was.

There was nothing I wanted more than to just give up. To not have to deal with any of it anymore would have been bliss. But I couldn't give up. Not now, not when we were so close. All we had to do was get inside the hospital and then we would be safe. We would have the military and we would be safe. Of course at first I didn't believe that at all but I had to convince myself that it was true.

"Maybe if we get soldier boys attention he'll help us?" Robyn suggested, poking her finger to the man leaning out the window.

"How are we gonna do that without alerting the infected?" I asked, taking my arm away from Robyn now that I was certain she could stand on her own. We all shared glances before we averted our gazes to the ground. We had nothing.

"We could throw a rock at him?" Alan proposed. I shook my head.

"I doubt any one of us could throw that high." He slumped his head in defeat.

"Maybe if we wave our arms he'll see us?" Robyn suggested, giving us a demonstration by waving her arms in the air before quickly lowering them at Alan's scowl. I shook my head again.

"We'd have to get too close to the infected for him to see us." I grabbed a tuft of my hair and pulled on it in frustration. If we didn't get into that building by morning the helicopter would come and go without us. I sighed in agitation, a noise that sounded more like a growl. I scrunched my face up in stupidity, how could none of us think of it?

"Backdoor." I stated. They both looked at me before smiling. Well, Robyn started dancing as best she could with her injuries. It looked more like she needed to go to the toilet. Her red dress, ripped and torn somehow managed to look like a fashion trend on her.

Together the three of us crept through the park and down the side of the hospital. My feet dragged against the ground as we walked. Stray ambulances lay abandoned across the road, providing us with places to hide from the infected. As we crouched down against the side of an ambulance the pain in my left leg flared. I bit down on my lower lip to prevent myself from whimpering in pain. I motioned for Alan and Robyn to go ahead of me. As they crept past they both looked reluctant to go. I sat down against the ambulance and stretched my leg out in front of me. I tried to massage the pain away but that only influence it to grow stronger.

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