Chapter Twenty Three: The Sounds of Silence

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Chapter Twenty Three

The Sounds of Silence

Melody's P.O.V

After only a few moments the thud of its blades were audible, quickly accompanied by the shattering of glass. I looked over my shoulder back towards the glass doors. Body after body began to seep out onto the runway.

Like water they dispersed across the tarmac but ultimately kept to the same direction. The pilot faltered in his movements, thrusting upwards so that he hovered above us. I knew it was too good to be true, just like everything else. What happened at the hospital is exactly what was going to happen here. He isn't going to risk his life to save ours, why would he? It was a dull dejection that carelessly flowed through me. I shouldn't haven't gotten my hopes up. I should have learnt my lesson by now.

Hope doesn't do anything, and I shouldn't rely on it anymore. I shouldn't feel it anymore. I shouldn't want it anymore. Hope was dead, and it was about time too.

The strength of the blades spiralled a permanent gust of wind around us as the infected began to swarm. Almost tactically they moved around us, creating a circle and encasing us within. I looked up towards the helicopter, his head tilted down towards us as his expressionless facade surveyed the situation. He leaned forward in his seat, pulling a small device to his lips.

"Get to the end of the runway! I'll pick you up there!" With a layer of static lacing his tone he dropped the device and jerked the helicopter backwards. I watched him recede all the way down the track before slowly and carefully landing, the blades faltering but not stopping.

I pulled the gun from my back pocket and quickly shot the two infected nearest me. Their bodies piled atop each other and created a small enough space for me to get through. Running forward I charged through the gap and knocked over an infected man standing in my way. I ran several metres, desperate to get away from the horde. With my finger tightly wrapped around the trigger I looked back towards the ocean of bodies.

The pale, rotting limbs. The torn, blood stained clothing. The lifeless, grey eyes. It all morphed together into one massive heap of bodies that sporadically stumbled about. The sounds that fled their gaping mouths seemed as desperate as us to escape their presence as their combined dull screams joined together, creating a requiem for the dead.

Their integrated singing almost succeeded in hushing the harsh sound of thunder. Its roar seemingly desperate to join in their song as it stretched out for an unprecedented length. I tilted my head ever so slightly towards the sky, only to wish that I hadn't. Like a stampede the dark clouds ran towards us, alight with lightening. The clouds crept above, engulfing the sun and it's light in its entirety. With every laugh of thunder a slap of lightening would strike, illuminating the army of bodies.

A gunshot pierced the air, followed by several more. In all the chaos, in all the noise, silence seemed to lie in its grave, unwilling to grace the earth ever again. With every shot an explosion of thunder would retaliate, threatening to spill its tears. Another gun shot and a body fell limp, revealing a small gap. Carl ran through while he could, before the other infected closed the small space. The Lieutenants face, alight with panic was the last thing I saw before the bodies once again compressed together and hid him from site. Running towards me he grabbed my arm and pulled me several steps back. My gaze fixated on the swarm of bodies I didn't look at him as he panted beside me.

"Come on, we have to get to the helicopter," he stated, gently pushing me backwards.

"What about the Lieutenant?" I whispered, raising my gun and pointing it towards the horde that had only moments ago engulfed him. He huffed out a breath as he looked at me and then towards the horde.

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