Chapter Seven: Police Station

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Chapter Seven

Police Station

Melody's P.O.V

I knew what I had to do, so why couldn't I do it? A group of them on one side and only one on the other. The choice was simple. So why couldn't I move? In my head everything was perfect, I would run and shoulder charge the freak, knocking him to the ground and running out into the open space. So why wouldn't my legs fucking move!

I could hear them approaching from the other side, boxing us in. We all stood there frozen, like prey caught in trap. And soon our hunters would be upon us. Just a few minutes. And yet still these thoughts didn't help to propel me forward, saving us all from being eaten alive.

My eyes were locked on him. Shambling forward in his torn and blood stained suit. His jaw hanging wide open revealing a row of dark rotten teeth specked with blood. His milky eyes were centered on me, and me alone. He was terrifying. Everything about him screamed horror. So why wasn't I scared? Why couldn't I move? What the fuck is happening to the world!

The others were slowly backing away from the group advancing towards them. Not me though, my legs were rooted to the spot. My stupid fucking legs that just wouldn't fucking listen. Robyn's back slightly nudged me, flinging me out of my paralyzed state. Fear slapped me plain and hard across the face but that didn't stop me from running.

As if some unseen force took control, I sprinted forward, quickly closing the small space that remained between me and the man. In what seemed to be no time at all my shoulder connected with his torso with a loud audible crack. I yelped at the sudden pain the filled my shoulder while involuntarily falling to the ground with the crazed man. His jaws snapped for my neck but I forced him down just in time.

With my fingers locked around his neck, restraining him I pushed myself up from the ground with my other hand. I gasped in pain as I once again collapsed atop the snarling man. Shots of pain stabbed my shoulder as I tried to lie still above his thrashing body. Before I had time to protest a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and tugged me up.

I clenched my fist ready to strike but stopped abruptly when I realized it was only Alan. His other arm swooped under my legs, lifting me off the ground and into his arms. He stepped over the deranged man and brought us out of the dark alleyway. I looked around frantically and sighed in relief when i saw only Zoey and Robyn.

"Hey, you okay?" Alan whispered between short puffs of breath.

"Yeah you can put me down." I responded in a cold harsh tone. A flash of pain crossed his face and I instantly regretted it. I didn't mean to seem so ungrateful but I hated playing the damsel in distress all the time. Slowly and gently he let me go and looked away. I couldn't help but feel slightly bad, but that feeling was quickly brushed away as the moans of hunger from the alleyway flitted into my ears.

"Where do we go?" I asked threw gritted teeth. Trying not to let the pain show. Alan glanced at me worriedly but quickly looked away when I caught his gaze. I looked at Robyn and Zoey, who both looked just as clueless as me.

"The airport was that way right?" Alan asked, pointing down the street. I stepped forward and faintly saw the top of the large airport. I nodded at him peering behind him at the four grumbling men limping towards us.

"I think there was a police station just up the road and to the left." He squinted his eyes, clearly trying to remember correctly.

"Good enough, let's go!" Robyn squealed grabbing Zoey and my hands and tugging us down the road. I glanced backwards and saw the four men stumbling after us, at their pace they would never reach us. I looked along the road and spotted several more of them. As we progressed further and further up the road, the number of them increased. Each and every one of them caught site of us and joined the pack of people shambling after us.

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