Chapter Two: Robyn Kale

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Chapter Two

Robyn Kale

I sat still in the uncomfortable chair and looked around the cramped airport. All flights cancelled. Un-freakin' believable, I thought bitterly. I tossed my long, dark curls over my shoulder and cursed under my breath. My dark fingers fidgeted in my lap as yet another man looked my way. What the hell were they lookin' at? I thought viciously. The urge to slap the man gawking at me grew, but I restrained myself. It was bad enough that my flight had been cancelled, I didn't want to get kicked out of the airport as well.

What am I going to do? Where am I going to go? I have no money left! All I wanted was to leave Sydney and go home. But now I'm stuck here. I even heard that the planes that had taken off were ordered to return. Which just seemed stupid.

I grabbed my small bag and walked towards the nearest counter. I shoved my way threw the crowd that were flocked around the information desk and glared at the skinny man behind the counter.

"The hell is wrong with you!" I asked rhetorically. My voice thick and heavy with a Barbados accent.


"I have been sitting there for freaking hours now! You better give me one good reason why I shouldn't slap your pasty ass face!" I screeched, slapping my small bag down on the shiny counter.

"I, uh-" He took a deep breath and swallowed the large lump in his throat. "No flights are allowed to leave, and all existing flights have been told to return."

"What do you think I am? Stupid! I know that much, what I want to know is why? Why the hell was my flight cancelled!" I roared. The small man inched away from me, clearly intimidated by my tall frame and loud voice. Observing his fear, I stepped back and raised my arms in the air. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little agitated. Could you please tell me why the flights have been cancelled?" I asked, deciding to use a friendlier approach.

"Hey we're agitated too bitch! That doesn't give you the right to push in!" I turned around and placed my hands on my hips. I looked down at the small pudgy woman that had spoken and widened my eyes.

"The hell you say to me?" I asked slowly, eyeing the woman viciously.

The woman copied my actions and turned her nose up at me. "You heard me!" She hissed, smacking her lips with every word. I thought about this slow and carefully, I could slap the ignorant woman, and get kicked out. Or I could simply turn around, and continue talking to the frightened man.

I have no where to go. I thought sadly. I might as well sleep in the airport tonight. I turned around, looking away from the woman and refocusing my attention on the little man.

"That's what I thought!" The woman snickered and smacked her lips in triumph. Unfortunately for her, it was just enough to send me over the edge. I turned around as calmly as I could, and once again found myself looking down at the annoying and arrogant lady.

"The last person that treated me like that was my boyfriend. And he ain't alive no more! Now I can't look at anyone without seeing blood on their faces!" My voice broke at the end as my eyes filled with tears. The woman's eyes widened in shock. She stepped back, and then slowly walked all the way to the back of the line. Several other people began to back away from me and I couldn't conceal the small smile that played at my lips.

"Ma'am? Did you just admit to murdering your boyfriend?" The man behind the desk squeaked, clutching onto a phone with his thin fingers.

"Oh my god! Can't you people taste sarcasm in the air? I was joking!" I snatched my purse from the desk and walked away from the disturbed crowd. God damn it! I didn't even get an answer! I straightened the short red dress I was wearing and tied my hair into a high ponytail. With no luggage I could easily leave and find a cheap motel. I scoured through my purse and found only three dollars.

I huffed in defeat and walked outside the airport. Small droplets of rain fell from the stormy sky and splattered down onto the ground. I stood under the protection of the veranda and leaned against a large pillar. People ran from the increasing intensity of the rain and seeked any kind of shelter they could find. I watched them all scurry around like ants as I stood against the pillar comfortably. As everyone ran from the rain, one woman stood motionless.

The rain drenched her clothing and darkened her bright hair. I watched her carefully; curious of her motives. Why would anyone just stand in the rain? Everyone had run from the road and now, the woman was the only one who remained. As if from a horror movie or something I expected her to turn into some kind of monster; but of course something like that would never happen. I laughed silently at at the immature thought that swam threw my mind, but still, the woman ceased to receed from the rain.

Just as I was about to walk up to her she threw her hand up in the air and lowered it when a taxi came to a halt beside her. She stepped inside and sped off down the road, disappearing into the mist. I walked back into the airport and looked around until I spotted the female toilets. I walked towards them but stopped abruptly when a man stepped in front of me.

"Hey what the h-" I stopped mid sentence when my eyes met his. Drops of water clung to his pale skin and ran down his face in what seemed to be a never ending stream. I suppressed a gasp when his grey, life less eyes focused on mine and he grabbed onto my shoulder with his cold claws. I pushed him back and swung my purse at his cheek. The red fabric contacted his cheek with a satisfying smack, and forced him to stumble backwards. He tripped on someones luggage and fell to the hard floor with a loud thud.

I stepped away from him and jumped at the sudden sound of a woman screaming. Suddenly, as if on que several more screams erupted from people occupying the airport. I looked around and cursed when I saw what was happening. People from outside were pouring into the building and attacking people at random. I dropped my purse in shock and gasped audibly. People from outside stumbled inside and tackled people to the ground. I looked away from the dark pools of blood that formed around the groups of people and threw a look towards the entrance of the airport.

People continued to swarm inside like rats, leaving no room for anyone to leave. Several men and women began fighting against the crazed people from outside, but were promptly cut down and disappeared behind a sea of bodies. A few small children squealed in fear but soon faded away behind the increasing amount of people. I cast one last look around the room before I ran towards the toilets, dodging everyone I encountered along the way.

I slammed the door shut behind me and scurried into the cubicle furthest away from the door. I locked the door behind me and sat down on the toilet carefully. Even inside the thick walls of the bathroom I could still hear the eternal screams of the poor people outside. I sunk back into the small, confining cubicle and tried to steady my breathing. I kicked the dark ruby stilettos off me feet and threw them into the cubicle next me.

I froze to the spot when the door of the bathroom slowly but surely squeaked open.


Thanks for reading guys I hope you enjoyed it!

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