Chapter Twenty Two: Beginning of the End

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Chapter Twenty Two

Beginning of the End

Melody's P.O.V

"What the fuck is that?"

Veins traced every inch of his skin. Running up and down his arms like snakes they gripped to the contours of his monumental muscles. The majority of his clothing was absent, leaving little to the imagination. His skin was nothing but a translucent sheet of flesh, allowing for a generous sight of his blackened, decayed organs.

He towered over the cars that surrounded him, their size seemingly minuscule in comparison. I choked back a scream as I stumbled away from his massive figure. His bare backside facing us I dared not make a noise with the possibility of him turning around. Water mingled with blood atop his hairless head and trailed down the side of his naked body. Alan and Carl walked from the station simultaneously, their gazes both landing on the behemoth mere meters away.

Their reactions a replicant of mine I quickly grabbed both their hands and jerked them back behind a small red convertible.

"What the fuck is that thing!" Alan silently screamed, his hands violently convulsing as he pointed towards the 'thing'. Carl roughly jabbed him in the side.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut!" He seethed. Alan glared at him for several seconds, biting his lip as he tightly clenched his fists. I let my hand rest on his knee. Looking down at my hand his eyes trailed up to mine and he seemed to visibly relax. Satisfied I moved away from him and peeked my head over the convertible.

He stood still in the middle of the road. A jolt agitating his limbs every few seconds and a small twitch rippling across his flesh were the only things that plagued his otherwise motionless demeanor. His toned legs seemed rooted to the ground as his body stretched up towards the sky, his height reaching well over seven feet. He was infected, although I couldn't say that with utter certainty. Whatever he was he must have been a mass body builder or something of the sort before he became what he was now.

"He's right between us and the airport..." Carl's words trailed away with the wind as I slumped down against the side of the car. I really felt like crying and cursing out everything around me, but I knew that I couldn't.

"We can go around, there are enough cars for us to hide behind." Alan stated, slumping down beside me after his prolonged stare at the monster. I didn't like that idea. Once again peeking my head round the side of the small car I doubted we would make it to the airport doors without him seeing us.

"Go that way and move slow." Alan whispered, pointing round the corner of where I was. I glared at him for positioning me in the front before returning my gaze to the thing. Crouched down on my hands and knees I crawled towards the nearest car and pressed my body against its frame. The blazing sun ignited the cars surface in a heat so profound a single touch burnt my skin. Flinching away from the heat of the car I moved over to allow room for Alan and Carl.

Again I crawled over to the nearest car, repeating this process until I was leaning against the car the massive infected man stood beside. I looked back at Alan and Carl crouched beside a small jeep, waiting for me move so that they would have room to come over. Ever so slowly I inched forwards, carefully lifting my knees and ensuring nothing dragged along the ground. In the silence that surrounded his ragged breathing was all that could be heard. I looked back. Carl frantically pointed his hand to the ground, mouthing the words 'get low'. Looking back I lowered myself to the ground until I lay flat on my stomach. I tilted my head until I was facing underneath the car and I had a clear sight of his bare feet. His derelict toenails strangely void of colour pointed directly towards me.

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