Chapter Eight: The School

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Hey guys hope you like this chapter, tell me what you think of the new cover I made, I hope you all like it.

Anyways enjoy!


Chapter Eight

The School

Melody's P.O.V

"We'll be there soon," I lowered the radio down to my side, not sure what I had just agreed to do. I turned the radio off before he was able to thank me. I didn't want to hear it. I turned around slowly, my eyes on the floor and my arms limp at my side.

"I guess we're going to school."

I bit my lower lip and scrunched up my face. Why the hell did I just agree to help him? Oh yeah, I'm an idiot that's why. I shook my head slowly, allowing my rash decision to sink in. A trip to the school couldn't possibly be that bad. Especially if it's right down the road. Fuck me I'm dumb. When I was younger I promised, I'd never step a foot in a high school ever again. All it was was a hellhole filled with crazed teenagers. And now its going to be a hellhole filled with raving lunatics wanting to kill us. It shouldn't be too hard. Fucking sarcasm sucks.

"Why?" I looked up, curious as to who the soft voice belonged to. I looked at the three of them and found Zoey shooting daggers at me. Why? Why what?

"Wha-" before I even had time to finish she threw her hands in the air and cursed.

"Don't fucking what me! Why did you agree to help him!" She shrieked, her small fists shaking at her sides. I was shocked at what she was asking me. Sure I may have called myself an idiot and questioned my actions but I would choose the same decision over and over again. How could she expect me not to help him?

"What you think we should just leave him there?" I asked oblivious as to why she was acting this way. If anything I expected her support. Who am I kidding? I can't expect anything from her, I just met her for fuck sake!

"I'm not risking my life to help some idiot cop who somehow fucking locked himself in a fucking basement!" Ice would have been surprised at how cold she was being. Well of course I didn't expect her to come with me, but I certainly didn't expect her to act like this!

"No one asked you too! I'll go on my own!" I mentally cursed at her. How could she be so heartless? How could anyone be this heartless?

"Good! I hope you fucking die!" I stepped back subconsciously, shocked into silence by her words. Her eyes softened ever so slightly, as if regretting her harsh words. No sooner however did she recompose herself. She shot me with one last icy glare before storming away and disappearing into one of the rooms.

The three of us stood in a dead silence, no one knowing exactly how to react. After a few moments Robyn brushed past me, muttering something about 'idiots' and 'buffoons'. She followed the same path as Zoey and eventually she too disappeared from sight. I guess she wasn't too happy about my decision either. I don't understand why they're getting so worked up over this. It's not like I'm forcing them to go.

I looked down at Alan, sitting on a black office chair staring up at me impassively. It would only be a matter of seconds before he too began insulting my intelligence. I folded my arms across my chest and prepared myself for a flurry of abuse.

"I guess it's just you and me, huh?" He spoke slowly and casually, not averting his gaze from me for even a second. I furrowed my brows in confusion and allowed perspiration to trickle down the side of my face before being maliciously wiped away.

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