Here You Go

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A/N Sorry to my absolute no followers of voters for not updating since I published it but I have had a lot going on at home but I have managed to write three chapters for you, so here you go!!! Perrie is born in 1992 and Jade & Pippa are born in 1993

“ Dinner time” I heard mum call as I climbed off Brodie’s lap and ran to the dining room. We were having Satay beef with Greek Salad! My favourite. I sat at my seat and grabbed my plate.

 “You can sit here and here is your food,” my mum said to Brodie. We had just been watching Toy Story. We sat down next to me. At the table it was Mum at one end then Jade and Karl on one side with Brodie and I on the other. Karl had come to see us before Jade goes off the X-factor. She leaves in about 72 hours. I don’t know how I will survive with out her.  She is my best friend.

 We began to eat our delicious meal. It was perfect. We had our regular ‘how was your day’ conversation. We finished our meal in about 20 minutes. For dessert we were having custard. I absolutely love custard it is delicious. Especially vanilla! I ate it in minutes. It was so good. As you may be able to tell I love food.  Especially Italian.  Anyway we finished our meal and I offered to do the dishes as I had three servings of custard so yeah.

 “I’ll help” Brodie said.

 “Are you sure? I think I can handle it.”

 “Babe I came here to spend some time with you and I am 100% sure that I want to spend time with my girlfriend”

 “Guys I am here for one night it is the least I can do. You can go finish your movie or something now leave.” Karl said while shooing us out of the kitchen. We walked back to the living area and we climbed onto the couch so we were lying like this. He kissed my head as the movie continued. We were up to the part were Sid straps the rocket to Buzz’s back when my eyelids become heavy and start to droop. That is all I remember.

I woke up the next morning I woke up to find myself alone on the couch with a blanket over me. I was so hot. It was the middle of summer for crying out loud. I pushed the blanket off and looked at the clock. 6:00am. Perfect. I ran upstairs to change. I grabbed some clothes and ran to Jade and mine’s conjoined bathroom. I had a quick shower and put my clothes on. I did my hair in a messy bun then went to wake up Jade. I jumped on her bed and made her groan.

 “Time to get up sleepy head! It’s 6:30 and it’s your second last day of school!!” She groaned again but dragged herself out of bed. I quickly applied some mascara and eyeliner before ducking down to the kitchen so Jade could shower.

 I made my breakfast that consisted of jam toast and juice! Nom Nom Nom! I ate my meal while watching Peppa Pig. Yes I absolutely love that show. By the time I finished Jade was done in the shower and was dressed. She quickly grabbed an apple and she drove us to school. When we arrived I saw Mckenzie run over to our car.  She squealed and hugged me when I climbed out. We walked into school together to begin our day. It was the second last day of term. We walked into the building and everyone was buzzing. Probably because tomorrow night was the school dance, I am super excited. I am going with Brodie. I am up for Homecoming Queen, because Macka nominated me. I never really wanted it though.

 Skip to after school*

 I ran out of school, inhaling the freedom. I saw Jade waiting by the car. I ran and hugged her. We climbed into the car and she drove us to the mall. I was going to help her buy an outfit for her X-factor audition. I am so excited for her. I get to stay with her for the auditions but if she makes to the Boot camp I will only get to watch her on TV.

 We arrived at the mall and we headed to our favourite shop. Jack Wills. We didn’t buy anything in there. We wandered around all these stores picking up bits and pieces in the end we had an outfit that was gorgeous. (Her actual X-factor 2011 audition out fit.)  We bought everything then went to Dave’s Fish and Chip shop to get some food for dinner. Then we headed home. It was about 6:30 and I was getting hungry. We got home and sat the food on the table.

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