That Feeling

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Jade's POV*

She went into the bathroom. By the time I got in there she was vomiting up the contents of her stomach into the toilet. She did say on the flight she felt nauseous. I grabbed her hair and pulled it out of her face. She had hot tears streaming down her face.

 She looked at me and quickly mouthed ‘thank-you’ before returning to the toilet. When she finished. I made her brush her teeth and then hugged her. Then we headed back downstairs and toward the living room. The girls were talking happily with mom. Pippa was still white in the face and clammy. Mom took one look at her and sent her upstairs.

 Pippa’s POV*

 I walked upstairs feeling disgusting. I had been feeling nauseous for a while now but nothing ever really happened. I got upstairs and changed into some summer pajamas and climbed under the thin sheets. Mom walked in moments later with some water, a sandwich and a thermometer. It turned out I had a fever and just the regular flu. I quickly ate the sandwich and drank the water. Then she left. I started shivering so I pulled another blanket over me and drifted off to sleep.

 Jade’s POV*

 “It’s okay girls she just has a fever and the flu.” mom said trying to remove the worried looks from our faces.

 “I am going out to buy some things to make soup. Are you girls right to watch her?” mom said.

 “Sure mom” I said. We let her sleep and went to watch a movie. We started to watch The Lion King. Half way through the movie I heard pounding from above. I ran upstairs find Pippa yet again emptying the contents of her stomach. I held her hair and rubbed her back. When she finished I made her go back to bed. Before she reached the bedroom she fainted. Causing a loud thud. Probably due to emotional distress, I lifted her onto her bed and let her sleep. She looked so helpless. The girls came rushing up and I burst into tears.

 “Jade, Jade what’s wrong?’ Leigh-Anne asked.

 “Well incase you haven’t noticed I am the worst sister in the world. I went after my own dreams leaving them here to suffer. While I was gone she broke her arm, now she is sick and fainting because of me. I wasn’t here to protect her. She probably hates my guts. They underwent so much stress and suspense all for me. I don’t deserve that and neither do they. I should just go f***ing die. I understand if you don’t want me. I am an emotional wreck who can’t take care of anybody. I am a piece of c**p.” I yelled. I had tears streaming down my face by the end of it and decided to curl up into a ball in the corner.

 “Don’t say that.”

 “Ed. You are Perfect. You aren’t a terrible sister. Even if you were here you couldn’t stop her from getting sick or breaking her arm. They could have ignored you through out the X-factor but they didn’t because they care about you and they know you care about them. You should not die and you are not a piece of c**p. you’re an amazing person Jade. We want you and only you in our group.” Perrie said. Whispering the last part. Before bolting out of the room. She doesn’t like crying in front of people. I just sat there but eventually joining Pippa on the bed.

 Perrie’s POV*

 While I was talking to Jade I got this weird feeling in my stomach. I had been feeling nauseous for a while now but nothing had ever come out. By the time I finished my little speech I was whispering. The feeling I had was getting worse and I was about throw up. I ran out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. I ran over to the toilet and threw-up the contents of my stomach. It felt awful. I began to cry even though I didn’t want to. I felt someone grab my hair out of my face and begin to rub my back. I couldn’t turn to look but I’m pretty sure it was Leigh-Anne. Jesy can’t stand vomit and Jade is still crying. After five minutes or so it ended. I turned and lent against the cabinet. Still feeling awful. I had tears in my eyes and a disgusting taste in my mouth. I either got it from or passed it onto Pippa.

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