Heading Home

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Pippa’s POV*

 I woke up a few minutes ago and I have the worst headache. I don’t know what happened. All I remember is black.                  I got up a few minutes later and made my way to Jade’s room being careful considering I was still light headed. As I opened the door I saw mum rush towards me. I practically smothered me to death.

 “ Are you okay Princess? Are you alright?”

 “Mum, Mum I am fine just a headache and a little light headed. I don’t know what happened just calm down for Jade’s sake.”

 “Okay, Okay. Well I can tell Jade should be waking up any moment now and you fainted because sometimes in identical twin if one feels severe pain the other can feel it too. So you felt the pain and then fainted just like Jade. I am going to call the school tomorrow before she leaves but she will have to perform with a swollen face. I have been prescribed some antibiotics and it should heal quickly. Now we just have to wait and she is going to have to stay in over night. Okay” I took it in slowly then went and sat down next to Jade.

 Jade’s POV*

 It was Pip. I can’t believe that had happened to her. If only I hadn’t kissed David. But then again who couldn’t. He is amazing, attractive and sexy. I felt so bad. I just lay there for about five minutes then I felt someone’s grip on my arm. It was Pip I knew it. I tried to open my eyes but they were just too heavy. I felt someone kiss my cheek it was mum. She always does that. But then I felt Pip’s grip tighten. She was hugging my arm and gripping tighter and tighter. But then I felt a tear drop on my arm. Pip doesn’t get emotional easily so I was really surprised. I knew I had to do it. I had to open my eyes for Pip.

 I used every ounce of strength in my body to flutter my eyes open. I got my right eye open fully but my left only opened a little. It must be swollen. I looked around the room to see mum asleep on the couch next to me, and Pippa hugging my arm to death and crying.  I squeezed her hand and she looked up.

 “Thank-god” she cried. She wrapped her arms around me in a hug. It made me smile. I had been lying on the right side of the bed the whole time so I was pinned to the edge.

 “Ly down” I whispered so softly and light tapped the left side.

 “Hold on I will just go tell Dr. Henry you woke up then I will.” She left the room and I just lay their I couldn’t remember much of the evening. SH*T Homecoming Queen. I was meant to be there for Pippa. I wonder if she got it. Oh no I feel so bad. She walked back in and Dr Henry followed.

 “Okay Jade, We are going to keep you in overnight for observation and you will be released tomorrow morning and you will have to take some antibiotics until the swelling goes down. Now get some rest.”

 “Thank-you” I whispered and he left the room. Pip climbed onto the bed with and wrapped her arms around me and I snuggled into her chest. I felt weird, usually it’s the opposite because I am taller she snuggles into my chest. I soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

 I woke up with Pippa drooling on my arm and just laughed. She always did that. I looked around the room feeling a lot more energized then last night. Mum wasn’t in the room anymore and the drip had been taken out of my arm. I saw a clock and found out it was about 9:30. I had some breakfast waiting for me on the side table and a note?

 I reached over and grabbed it.

 ‘Dear my babies,

 I have gone to fill out your dismissal forms and get you both some new clothes. Cameron, David, Henry, Conner, Brodie, Macka, Ranni and Chelsea called too. Eat up! I will be back by ten, my phone is on the table to call your friends.

 Love mama xx’

 (Chelsea is just another close friend.)

 I just laughed I lightly shoved Pippa and she woke up. While she read the note, I grabbed the breakfast and began to eat. We had gotten two, one for each of us.

I ate mine quickly because I was starving. Fruit salad and muffins with O/J. It was good. Pippa ate hers quickly then we just sat there. My head was throbbing and sore. We just sat and texting everyone that we were safe for about 15 minutes before mum walked in followed by a doctor.

 “Okay you are both right to go. If you just get changed into something more comfortable you can leave.” He said with a smile. Mum came over and wrapped me in a huge hug. After five minutes or so we broke apart. We got changed and headed home.

A/N sorry it's a short chapter guys!!! xoxo MissyMixer101 it gets better!! Trust me!!

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