chapter 10

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nyce here u can't believe I got this many readers and I haven't even reached chapter 15!!!thanks to you all I'm done LATTA!!!

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✘outside next day✘

prod p.o.v

"k it says u have the ability to go the speed if light"said Jessica

"try it"said ray.Jessica noticed prince on his phone so she ran right behind him.

"BOO!!!"said Jess

"AHHH!!!!"yelled prince falling forward in shock.everyone busted out laughing even I did first the first time in hundreds of years."why you do that?"said prince getting up and brushing him self off.

"the book told me so"said Jess going back to the book."now it says to practice on strength for you will have a lot of physical contact in the future."she said in Yoda's voice."how am I suppose to did that?lift some trees?"then everyone looked at me all of a sudden.

"I can't I'll hurt her!"I exclaimed

"pfft I'll be fine"Jess said waving her hand.she's so cute when she waves her hand. w-what am I saying?!?I don't like her I lo-no don't say it Craig you sworn off girls remember?!?

"don't say I didn't warn you."I said transforming.

"I don't know how to transform."she said

"dig deep and let the inner what ever out."said ray

●•●Jess p.o.v●•●

I did what they said and closed my eyes and dug deep in me and it was so beautiful it was a faint wave of red then a faint wave of yellow and they was like clashing into each other but backed off everytime then they began to swirl closer and closer together until!!!...every thing went white and when I opened my eyes and saw everyone staring at me."what?"I said

"l-look at your self"said roc

"hmm I can't really look at my self with out a mirror."I said

"I'll get it!!"said prince a second later coming back with a big mirror

"woah!!!"u said looking at my self I had yellow and red eyes sharp teeth like a vampire a tail like a werewolf,skin was a faded brown,a small white patch of white hair on my hands,my feet was like a werewolf I looked like a cute werewolf wait let me really say that I was a SMEXY werechick,when I looked up all the boys was staring at me with their mouth wide open even prod!!! not like I cared but still I liked the attention from him for some odd reason.

"ready?"I said to prod which made him snap out of my trance.

"huh oh yea I'm ready"get said crouching

"ready... set......GO!!"yelled ray and that's when prod jumped at me and I dodged it in a blink of an eye and get ran at me and I dodged it again and hit him oh the back of his head.

"hey no powers just hand to hand."

"ugh ok"I said running towards him and both of us began to wrestle.first I was winning the prod then me then prod then me then get pinned me to the ground hard."OWW!!!"I yelped

"Are you OK?!?"said prod getting up.

"yeah but.."I kicked him straight into the trees "your not"I said transforming back.

"hey no fair"he said running back

"no no no I won you lost."I said with my hands on my hips.

"ook you win."said prod sarcastically

"look I don't know about you guys but I am hungry and my man here gonna some tacos."said ray putting his hand on prince shoulder

"haha no."said prince moving rays arm off of him

"pweaseee you mwake the bwest tacos evwa"said ray with a puppy dog face.

"ugh ok"said prince rolling his eyes as he walked inside and we all followed.

(--〆)in the house (--〆)

"you need to learn how to cook tacos for your self."said prince and him and ray went to the we just sat on the couch watching adventure time and having small chat.

"I got tacos!!!"said ray running in the room. "oh and I got some for y'all."he said handing us all tacos.

"I have a question."I said

"and we may have an answer."roc said

"isn't there a community of you know werewolves?"I said then prod got up out of the blue and ran upstairs in his room."what I say?"


short? thought so but next chappie we gonna find out bout everything.or will we?hmmmmmm but imma try my hardest to make it longer and filled with mo drama.tehe.oh and go read e.t love!!!! I'm out....LATTA

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