chapter 15

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last chappie!!! till I make my goal!!!! k let me get started bye!!!!


Jessica p.o.v

as we went outside the same exact owl came to us and kept following us.

"look this isn't Harry Potter k?"said prince.but the owl just ignored him and went to my shoulder.

"eh I don't care it's kinda cool."I said.then we just kept walking.

♕once we got there♕

"k y'all transform and I don't know do something but be near just in case."then we all split up.

I just followed the owl until I reached the meeting area.

"welcome Jessica."said some man and he motioned me to sit at the other end of a long table with other people while he was on the other end."my name is sir Nick and we all are very happy to see that you have came."

I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw prodigy in the shadows so I relaxed and sat down.

"thank you for having me,but why did you invite me and how did you know I was around the neighborhood?"

"our priests known when you was gonna come and well the vampires are planning to attack and they want you on their side."

"why me?"

"by now you know this but since you are mixed you are the most powerful being yet and they will want you on their side."

"why shouldn't I go on their side and go on yours?"

"your father and mother was on our side."

"yes but you was gonna KILL my mother which made her commit suicide which also made my FATHER SHOOT him remind me again why I should join your side."i said sitting back.

"well you know we always could make you."then he snapped his fingers and 2 big guards came out of the blue towards me.

then prod, prince,ray and rock came jumping in front of me growling.

"wait a second I know that scent from any where."said sir Nick jumping up from his chair.

"hi dad."said...... prod transforming back

"wait that's your dad?!?"I said in shocked

"yeah that's my boy"said sir Nick sitting back and motioning his guards to leave.

"so your own dad banished you?!?"


"no it wasn't my choice it was the councils if you would've jus-"

"just what stay in the family business and wait to become king?!?no I didn't want that AT all you was forcing me to become king!"

"if you would have just listened you could've been next in line like it was suppose to be!"

"no the way it was SUPPOSE to be was Jess to be next in LINE the only reason why you ARE king is you was sir Luther's BEST FRIEND AND HE PICKED YOU IF YOU COULDNT find HER!!!"

"she is too WEAK to even kill a FLY the only reason why I want her on our side because I promised her FATHER!"

"oh really so that's the only reason why huh?"I said

"no I did-"

"no no no you said it your self I guess this meeting is over we will see which side I am on when time comes."I said and we left.

"now what?"said prince as we left the city.

"we wait and decide that's what."I said and we all was in silence all the way home.


made my goal!!!!!haha (Nyah)jk jk but wow now what side should jess go on?!?

▣question for the week▣

what side should Jess go on?

comment vampires or werewolves y'all got a week imma update maybe Friday or Saturday maybe even earlier.I'm done LATTA!!!

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