chapter 16

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hey hey heyyy!!!!k so let's get to the point

this book might turn out shorter then I thought (between 20-30 chapters)if that happens I'll let y'all see a sneak peek of part 2 of mindless wolves and I might MIGHT publish getting back up but it's a maybe for that one I'm done so..... LATTA


<(_ _)>later that day<(_ _)>

it is 11:00 and everyone is inside sleeping except for Jessica who is outside practicing on a tree.

"I'll show you who is weak."she said punching the tree into another tree which caused it to shatter.

"now it says I should work on my speed attacks."she read aloud to her self while transforming and throwing a tree up in the air while running back and forward attacking it.

"take that and that and THAT!"she said doing a back flip while kicking it into another tree.

"that's quite a dangerous move there."said prod coming out of the blue

"you scared me!"said Jess jumping back.

"my fault."said prod scratching his head.

"whatcha want peachy prod?"

prod p.o.v

just ask her already dont go direct but sneak it in wait did she just call me peachy prod?

"oh I was just gonna go for a walk and was wondering did you wanna come you know you never know what's in the woods."

"sure"said Jess putting her hair behind her ear.then we started walking.

"are you mad you know at my dad and all?"I said.

"no why?"said Jess looking straight ahead not moving her face.her emotions was just still at that moment but she.kept walking.

"I heard you saying who's weak and stuff I just wanted to say sorry for what he's done."

"it's alright I'm used to it now."

"what you mean?"

"when I was still in school before I knew I was a werewolf I was a hairy kid not like Mega hairy but just hairier then the other kids thicker eyebrows,hair that touched the ground if I didn't cut it once a week,hairy legs, arms I kept them cut down but one day I was running late and I forgot to do it so.when u got to school everyone started calling me hairy jessie and stuff so my friends left me saying they don't wanna hang out with a freak.I told my aunt all she did was call me weak."Jess finished with one tear coming out her eye.

"oh I never known,but I know what will cheer you up."

"what will that be?"

"just follow me."I said taking her hand and we ran to my secret hiding place."were here." I said.

"WOW!"said Jess while her eyes got bigger.

"I know right it's the most peaceful place out of all this mess."

"I agree."then we both sat down on the log.

Jess p.o.v

it was beutiful there was a willow tree on the left and right that was coming down on a log that was staring at the moon all on a cliff.

awkward silence.

"I have a question."

"I may have an answer."

"who is Emily?I heard the boys talking about don't have to answer but I was just wondering"I said looking at my feet.

"oh her.she was my previous girlfriend long story short me and her was together forever but she was a human so when I showed her I was a werewolf she freaked out and told me to stay just broked my heart."said prod looking ahead but by the tone in his voice and I might have read his and a little that he was hurt thinking about that.

"I guess the world just thinks were odd huh?"I said kicking a rock

"yup I guess s- do you smell that?"prod said lifting his nose up.

"no what do you sme-..."

"Shh."then he covered my mouth.,and pointed to the trees.

then a 5 vampires popped out and came towards me with their teeth out they was trying to...bite me.


oh shizzzz "it's about to go down."-Kevin Hart.will she get bit?!?find out next chappie!!!!duces

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