Chapter 1

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//James's P.O.V.\\
Tonight I was so tired that I nearly ran over a beautiful girl. I was driving on my motorcycle and if she wouldn't have shouted, I would've ran her over. I had a really long day at the studio and once I got out of the studio I went to the gym hoping to wake up a bit because I had to drive home. I guess the gym beat the last bit of energy I had.

I was awake and driving fine, but then I came to a red light and I stopped, or at least I thought I had come to a complete stop. All of a sudden I hear a girl shout,"Hey watch out its my right of way!" I noticed that I had started to fall asleep and I accelerated a bit. "Huh! I'm so sorry," I yelled tiredly, while hitting the breaks quickly and taking my helmet off so she could hear me. "It's okay," she said smiling. I could tell that she was tired too. Although I was sleepy, I noticed that she was very pretty. And she seemed familiar. Could it be that we've met before? I was standing there and smiling like an idiot, probably. The good thing is that it was already late at night and there was no traffic. I was the only one there. The light changed again and I just stood there for what felt like forever. For some strange reason I couldn't take my eyes off of her. "Hey are you okay," she asked looking back at me. "Mhm," was all I managed to say. "You know the light changed a few times already and you didn't take your leave. Are you sure you're okay," she asked concerned. I nodded; still unable to make out any words. "Be very careful on the rest of your route. Drive home safely, don't fall asleep, it's dangerous especially on a motorcycle. By the way cool motorcycle," she said and left. "Thanks," I said. I put on my helmet. I was still there, looking like an idiot. Finally the light changed again and I took my leave. Thankfully I got home safely. I just really hope I see her again because I want to know her better and I want to know her name. She seemed very familiar to me I don't know why though.

//Emilia's P.O.V.\\
I was walking home from work, but today I had to work until very late at night. I always prefer to walk to work because it is very close to my house and I avoid the traffic this way. I was crossing the street and I noticed that a guy on a motorcycle was coming slowly. He came to a stop, but not a complete stop and I shouted at him, "Hey watch out it's my right of way!" The guy seemed to jump a bit and that's when I noticed that he was falling asleep. "Huh! I'm so sorry," I heard him say tiredly while taking off his helmet. "It's okay," I told him smiling. I was very tired and I could tell that he was tired too. I have to say he was very cute. We just stood there for a while without saying anything. He just kept staring at me. To break that awkward silence I asked him if he was okay. "Mhm," he said. I continued walking across the street. "You know the light changed a few times already and you didn't take your leave. Are you sure you're okay," I asked him concerned. He just nodded. I continued to walk across the street and then I looked back and I told him to be very careful on the rest of his route. I also told him to drive home safely. The last thing I said was," By the way cool motorcycle." Then I took my leave. "Thanks," he said. He put on his helmet, and waited for the light to turn green. I really hope he got home safely.

You must think that I'm crazy for feeling worried about a complete stranger, but now that I think about it,he seemed very familiar. I can't put my finger on it though. Where have I seen him before? Could it be that we've met before and I don't remember? I have no idea. I hope I can see him again soon. I want to get to know him. I wonder what will happen these next few days.

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