Chapter 9

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//James's P.O.V.\\

I had a long, but fun day in the studio. I also had a very fun photoshoot, but I came out of it late so I'm very tired right now. However, I can't stop thinking about what Emmy told me. I can't believe that Leo is being that way with her. I wonder what is up with him. I know that his girlfriend left him for a guy she had just met, which is screwed up, and that could be a reason for his behavior. Nevertheless, I feel that there is something else that is bothering him and he doesn't want to tell her. Or maybe Emilia knows what it is, but didn't want to tell me. I just really hope that it isn't because Emilia and I are dating. If it is that, I will need to talk to him face to face. I don't like that he isn't talking to her as much as he used to because they are like siblings. Now that I think about it, he hasn't been talking to me as often either. It would suck to see their friendship come to an end. It would also mean that he and I won't have the same bond anymore and that would also suck because I like Leo and I enjoy his company, he's a cool dude. We've been getting along great. The good thing is that I'm here for her. 


~Two Months Later~

//Leo's P.O.V.\\

I can't believe that I was stupid enough to tell Emilia how I felt about her. I confessed my feelings to her the day I told her about the breakup, but I said it to her once again a few weeks after that. I was so stupid. I shouldn't have done that because well she is going out with James. It has already been two months and I haven't talked to her. We see each other at work, but we only talk about work-related topics. I pushed her away and I know that. Ever since that girl dumped me, I have noticed that I'm alone. I know I sound like a crazy person, but I have come to realize that my feelings for Emilia have gotten stronger, and seeing her with James is starting to bother me a lot. I prefer to push her away without saying anything because I don't want to hurt her or ruin her relationship. I know that she doesn't like drama so I don't want to start any right now. That is why I prefer to be distant from her. I feel horrible, but it's worse if I ruin their relationship, no matter how angry I feel about James cuddling with her and holding her dearly.

//Emilia's P.O.V.\\

It has been two months and Leo hasn't gotten any better. He has become more distant and he doesn't even talk to me anymore. We no longer text each other or hang out after work. I tried to walk out of the office with him like we used to, but he would start avoiding me and leaving before I did or leaving after I did. I also tried texting and calling him, but he wouldn't respond. We only talk about work-related things in the office. It's strictly professional. Since he is ignoring me, I am ignoring him too no matter how much it hurts me to do that, but he asked for it. I haven't told James that he still isn't talking to me and I haven't told him that he confessed his feelings towards me — twice by the way— because I don't want him to get mad. I don't want any drama to start so I prefer to stay quiet. But I do know that one of these days the truth will come out. And as much as I hate drama I have a feeling that me staying quiet will lead to it quicker.

Anyways, James and I were on our way to the beach. We ran around and splashed each other with water and we had a great time. Then we sat down on the beach towel and we looked at the sunset. James put his arm around me and I nestled close to him. The sun was beginning to set and then he kissed me on the lips. This was our first kiss on the lips. I felt sparks fly and it was a very sweet kiss. This took my mind off of everything I was thinking about. It was a very memorable kiss.

//James's P.O.V.\\

Emilia and I went to the beach and we had a lot of fun splashing each other and running around. Once I saw that the sun was about to set, I led her to the beach towel. We sat down and saw the sun start to set. I put my arm around her and she nestled closer to me. The sun was already setting and I decided to kiss her on the lips. She kissed me back and this was very sweet. I had been dying to kiss her lips. I felt sparks fly between us. I could feel that Emilia and I are truly meant for each other.

After our kiss, I noticed that Emilia was staring off at one certain spot to her right. I wondered what she was staring at. I looked in the direction she was looking, and I noticed that Leo was there, alone. He looked angry. Emilia and I looked at each other, but we didn't say anything. After a while, Emilia spoke up. "He doesn't talk to me at all you know," she said. "What," I asked her surprised. "He doesn't talk to me at all. At least outside of work, he doesn't talk to me. We only talk about work-related things. He doesn't even walk out of the building as we used to and we don't hang out anymore. He ignores me when he sees me and I do too. He also ignores my texts and calls," she told me with pain in her eyes. I hugged her tightly. "That sucks. I need to talk to him and ask him what the deal is,"  I told her. "No James, you shouldn't do that it's useless. I lost him, it's like he doesn't exist anymore. I never thought that my so-called best friend would do this to me," she told me getting closer to me. "What do you mean no? I need to talk to him, he can't be ignoring you all the time! I know that friends like those are best if they go away, but it hurts me the way he is acting with you. I can't stand it anymore," I told her grabbing her firmly from her shoulders and looking deep into her eyes. "I know James, but just leave it alone. Like you said those types of friends shouldn't be near us; it's best if they go away," she told me. I just took a deep breath and dropped the conversation because it wasn't leading anywhere. We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"James can we go," Emilia asked me. "Yeah let's go baby girl," I told her. We took our leave, but I still kept in mind that Leo doesn't talk to her. I was super angry on the inside, but I tried my best to not show it because I don't want Emilia to see me like that. I'm not going to stand there with my arms crossed, I will get to the bottom of this.

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