Chapter 15

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//Emilia's P.O.V.\\
I'm glad that James, Carlos, Kendall, and Logan were able to confront Leo. However, I'm still not happy that they got him arrested. I feel awful that things had to go this way. I feel bad for him deep down inside me, but he asked for it. He punched the love of my life and that really hurt me, which is why he deserves what happens to him for being an imbecile. I'm sorry I just feel angry at him for punching James and for him to want to punch him again. And at the same time, I feel bad for him. I also feel angry that Leo and James got in a fight in the first place because of me.

I'm a mess; I have so many mixed emotions and I think that this is how I'm going to be for who knows how long. I'm just glad that we can be safe now, but because of me, he could've even killed James and I was terrified. Obviously, I don't think it would have gone to that extreme, it's just crazy talk. I was very nervous that something bad could've happened to them for trying to confront Leo. I was scared of Logan, Kendall, or Carlos getting hurt or arrested mistakenly. I'm glad that everything turned out as they had planned.

I was outside enjoying the view from here. I was so deep into my thoughts when suddenly James came up to me and got me from my waist. I jumped a little. "Babe don't be scared it's me," he told me in a very sweet voice. "I know it's you sweetheart haha. I just got lost in my thoughts," I told him. "I know. You don't have to worry anymore about that imbecile," he told me turning me around to face him. I felt that I was giving him a worried expression and I sighed. "What's wrong? Aren't you happy that that idiot got arrested," he asked me. I stared at him in disbelief. "How can you have the cynicism to even ask me that? I have so many mixed emotions right now, James! Of course, I'm not happy with Leo getting arrested," I said sternly.

He was taken aback by my retort. He took a deep breath but didn't break eye contact or the proximity between us. "How stupid of me. I'm such a jerk! Please forgive me, Emmy," he said. I could feel the sincerity in his voice. "I am truly very sorry about all of this. I know that you and Leo are like siblings. I am an inconsiderate jerk for not realizing that you are having a lot of mixed emotions about this whole situation. I am so sorry. I should try to put myself in your shoes and think about how I would feel if one of my brothers was arrested. I couldn't bear to see Kendall, Carlos, or Logan get taken away like that. I don't know what I can do to make it up to you," he said.

I just sighed and didn't know what to say. However, looking at his eyes I could tell that he was being completely honest with me right now.

"Honestly, I don't know. But yes putting yourself in my shoes is the least you could do. I can't tell you what to do because I have no clue. I just wish things wouldn't have gone the way they did," I said, my voice shaking and my eyes watery. I looked up to try to hold back the tears. James caressed my hair.

"It's alright baby girl. If you want to cry, cry because it's not good to bottle up our emotions," he said. "I know that, but I feel that I won't solve anything by crying," I said still trying to fight the tears. "Well yes that is true, but like I said you can't bottle up those emotions," he said. "I just really wish that things would've gone a different way. I thought that everything was going so well and just thinking about the current reality makes me get sad. And it makes me feel guilty. I just wish we could have all been here together sharing some beautiful, happy moments. But now none of that will happen and," I said, but then I couldn't help it and I began to sob.

I noticed that James's eyes began to get watery and he pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him even tighter. I felt protected in his arms. He began to caress my hair and then he massaged my back making small circular strokes. I was crying uncontrollably and I was even shaking. We stood there embraced for a long time and I was able to stop shaking. We stood in silence and it felt nice and comforting. Then, James said something and he made me laugh and made this moment feel lighter. I felt a bit better.

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