Chapter 3

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//Emilia's P.O.V.\\

I loved what happened earlier today. James is very sweet and all, but now that I think about it, we're probably rushing things. If I tell him that though, I could hurt him and I don't want to lose him. I think that James is a great guy, but I don't know what to do because I already accepted to go out with him. I'm debating over whether I should be dating a handsome guy or affect the relationship and going back to being single and possibly losing him. It's so stupid. Ugh, I need to focus on my work right now, just because I'm the boss doesn't mean that I should procrastinate on my work.

"Emilia," I heard someone say. I thought that I was imagining it so I kept thinking. "Boss! Emilia! Hello earth to Emilia," I heard the person say, this time louder. "I'm sorry what happened," I asked confusedly. "I was just coming to say hi to my beautiful friend and boss," I heard my friend Leo said.He walked over and came to give me a hug. I got up and hugged him back. "I'm sorry what," I asked this time jokingly. "Oh please you heard what I said that time," he told me. "Haha ok, I did, gosh darn it Leo you know me so well. Hi, Leo how are you," I said smiling. "Hi Emilia. Good thank you and you," he asked. "I'm good," I said. "So um are you going to tell me what or who you were thinking about," he asked me smirking. "What do you mean," I asked him. "Oh come on you know what I mean. I know that you were thinking about someone," he said chuckling. "Haha was it that obvious," I asked nervously. "Aha, I knew you were thinking about someone. So spill I want to know all about him, " he told me emphasizing the aha making me jump a bit. "Okay fine, but not right now when we go to our break," I told him. "Okay. I'm treating you to lunch today by the way," he said cheerily. "What? No, you don't have to do that, Leo," I told him. "I insist," he said "Okay, thanks," I said. "No problem," he said and left. I can't believe it was that obvious, well I better finish this report and then I'll go to my break.

I finished the report, and then it was time for my break. I locked up my office and headed out. Leo was already waiting for me out in the hall. "Shall we go," he asked me. "We shall," I told him. He extended his arm out and I didn't want to lock my arm with his because I don't want this to look wrong, but I took it anyways because if not he would have felt bad. Plus, he has a girlfriend so this isn't bad. Thankfully everyone had left already if not they would've started making rumors about us being a couple. Everyone thinks that Leo and I have a 'thing' going on, but it's not true. Anyways, Leo and I got to the restaurant that is across the building and we still had our arms locked. "Welcome! Party for two," the waiter asked. "Yes," we both said. "Okay right this way," he said. The waiter led us to our table and we sat down. Leo pulled my chair out for me, he is such a gentleman.

"Okay so now tell me about who you were thinking of earlier today," he told me picking up the menu. "Ok well, where do I start," I said. "It's okay take your time we do have thirty minutes of a break anyway and you're the boss," he told me laying the menu flat on the table. I took a deep breath and agreed with him. "Okay then. Um, today I woke up very early and I decided to head out for a jog. I went to a trail near Venice beach even though I had never been there and didn't know my way. I decided to keep jogging and just get a good workout because I had heard that that is a good workout for you. As I was jogging, I got knocked down to the ground by someone. That someone almost ran me over last night. He was really tired and was falling asleep and accelerated his motorcycle a bit and I got scared. However today when I saw him, I feel like I know him just that I don't how or why. Anyway, the point is that he asked me out and I said yes. He confessed his feelings to me and he told me that even though we barely met, he knows that he wants to be with me and that I paralyzed him. I told him that I felt the same way about him, but when you went into my office, I was thinking that maybe we're rushing things, but if I tell him that I'm afraid I could hurt him or even lose him," I said.

"Woah that was deep. I think that you should decide on that because I don't know what to tell you. I can't control your heart or your feelings for him. I think that if you tell him that this is being rushed he'll get hurt and think that you were lying to him, but that's just my opinion. I honestly don't know because I think that if you feel you're rushing things, then you guys should go out and get to know each other better as friends. But, if you feel that you should go straight to dating, go for it," he said. "I think you're right Leo. Thank you," I told him. "No problem. But if he tells you something about that then that would be the time to tell him what you feel and think too," Leo told me. "Ok Leo," I said. At this moment the waiter approached us and came to take our orders. Leo and I ordered the same meal and the same drink and the waiter thought that we were dating because he gave us one drink with two straws. Leo and I looked at each other and we laughed at that and we let the waiter know. The waiter apologized and said that he mixed it up with a couple that was sitting at the table behind us. As promised, Leo paid for the meal because he wanted to treat me to lunch even though I told him right on the spot that I was going to pay. I love the friendship that Leo and I have; one day he treats me to lunch the other day I treat him. We've been friends ever since we were little and getting to work with him and seeing him everyday is definitely a blessing. Not many people have a long lasting friendship like this. 

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