Chapter 8

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//Emilia's P.O.V.\\
I woke up and noticed that I was not in my house. I felt a bit startled, but then I saw that James was next to me and he still had his arm around me. I felt relieved when I saw him. I didn't even move because he was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him up. He looked so cute sleeping. I took my hand off of his chest and he woke up. Oh no I woke him up. "Good morning baby girl," he told me. "Good morning my love, did I wake you up," I asked him. "No," he told me. "Okay good I thought I had woken you up," I told him. "No. And if you would've woken me up, I wouldn't have gotten mad. I need to wake up anyway," he told me in a sexy, husky voice. I felt paralyzed. "Aww okay," I told him. We were still cuddling and then we got out of it because we both needed to stretch. Then we ended up falling on the floor and we both started laughing.

We looked at each other and couldn't stop laughing. We even cried laughing. I can't believe how awesome I feel with James. I just love him so much and I've noticed that I'm always smiling when I'm with him.  I also feel secure and protected when I'm with him. He offered me breakfast and I told him that it was okay. He insisted that he wanted to make breakfast for us. I told him that I wanted to help him and he just said no to me. I kept on insisting, but he was so stubborn. I told him that I was going to leave if he didn't let me help. He hugged me tight and laughed. "Okay fine you can help me because I don't want you to leave yet! You're just as stubborn as I am," he told me chuckling and rolling his eyes. "Haha if I don't tell you that I'm leaving you wouldn't have let me help," I told him chuckling and rolling my eyes back at him. "I was just kidding to see what you would do," he told me. "Mhm sure, you were," I told him. He just chuckled and kissed my cheek.

We walked into the kitchen and we made pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon. James is a great cook, but I wanted to help him. It was fun to cook with him. Then we sat down and ate and then, it was time for me to leave. Fox was coming into the living room and when he heard me say that I was leaving, he ran towards me and began to lick me. James and I began to chuckle and I began to pet Fox. "You don't want Emilia to leave do you, Fox," James asked him. Fox looked at him and whimpered a little bit and looked up at me. "I'll take that as a yes," James told him. "Aww Fox I don't want to leave, but I need to go. You know that I love you and James so much, but I really can't stay," I told him. He looked at me sadly and put his head on my lap then I looked up at James and he looked at me with puppy eyes, then he put his head on my shoulder. He was not helping at all in this situation. He was making it more difficult and making me feel like a bad girlfriend, but I need to prepare for a very important meeting that I will have tomorrow. The CEO of the company will be present and I wouldn't want to make a fool of myself.

"Why do you have to go," he asked. "Because I need to prepare for a very important meeting that I will have tomorrow with the CEO," I said. "Emmy it's Sunday and it's super early. You can prepare for it later today," he said. I thought for a moment. "Come on don't think about it too much. Look at the clock it's 7:30 A.M.," he said. I was still quiet, pondering. "But I need to prepare for it and the sooner I do it, the better," I said. He pouted at me. "No, don't be such a workaholic. Aww come on Fox doesn't want you to leave either," he said, hugging me tightly and placing his head on my shoulder. "I know but--," I began. "Please stay with us a bit longer. Pleeeaaasse," he said making a puppy face. I looked back at Fox and he whimpered a bit. "Oh okay fine I'll stay a bit longer," I said. "Yay," James said. Fox wagged his tail and ran up to me and began to pick my face. I laughed. "Okay easy boy," I said. He was way too excited. "Fox that's enough. Sit," James told him sternly and he obeyed his command.

"I'm craving a slice of cheesecake. Would you like to come with me to the pastry shop that is about five minutes from here," James asked. "You're craving cheesecake this early," I asked. "Well, we just had breakfast so now that means it's time for dessert," he said smiling. I only managed to laugh at his response. "Don't laugh! If we do end up going to that pastry shop, you're going to want some too. So do you want some or do you want some," he said. I laughed again. "Okay okay fine! I'll go with you to the pastry shop and we'll get cheesecake," I said. "Yay! That's the spirit," he said. "Well, you did a good job persuading me," I said. He laughed. "I am good at persuading people. Okay let's go and let's take Fox," he said smiling. "Yeah, let's go," I said.

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