Chapter 2

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//James's P.O.V.\\

Last night I couldn't sleep thinking about her. I also couldn't sleep because I felt guilty about what happened. I can't believe that I let the sleepiness take over me. I'm usually fine by the time I come out of the gym, but it probably did beat out the last bit of energy I had. Right now it's 5 am and it's my day off today, thankfully. Yet I decide to get up and go for a jog because I just need to clear my mind right now. I don't typically go out for a jog this early, but I need it right now. I got my phone and my iPod and then I headed out. I put both in my pockets. I ran on a trail by the beach which is a long trail and it's a very great workout. I've run this trail plenty of times and it feels good to run it. I was listening to my music and enjoying nature and this beautiful view. I had already run a long way and my mind was starting to clear up. All of a sudden, I crashed into someone and I knocked them down to the ground. Geez, what is happening?

"Hey watch where you're going," a feminine voice said not annoyed, but cautious. It sounded very familiar for some reason. "I'm so sorry," I told her pausing my music and holding out my hand. She took my hand. "It's ok," she said smiling. I smiled at her. "So we meet again," I told her. "Again," she asked. "You don't remember," I asked her. She looked at me puzzled. "Oh yeah. Yeah, I remember now, last night you almost ran me over because you were falling asleep," she said. "Yeah I'm so sorry about that," I said. "It's okay don't worry I'm fine nothing happened to me," she said chuckling. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Besides I feel your pain. I was quite tired last night as well, I had a long day at work," she said. "Yeah long work days drain all of our energy," I said. She chuckled once again. "I'm James by the way. What's your name," I asked her, extending my hand.  "My name is Emilia. Nice to meet you, James," she said shaking my hand. I felt something very pleasant shaking her hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Emilia," I said shaking her hand for longer than I intended. Immediately I released her hand. We began to walk together, but we walked in awkward silence for a bit. "So is this the first time you come for a jog here," I asked her breaking the silence. "Yeah, it is. I heard that it's a great workout so I decided to come because I need it," Emilia said.

"It is a great workout. I also needed a jog today to clear my mind. I love jogging here and besides, it's pretty close to where I live," I told her. "Oh, that's nice. I agree; something about being able to exercise and be out in nature is very therapeutic. Where do you live," she asked. "Absolutely. I take it you're a nature-lover? How about I show you up to where the trail goes and we can chat a bit more and have a great workout? After that, I can show you where I live," I told her. "Indeed I'm a nature lover; ever since I was little actually. I would always help my mom around the garden because she enjoyed it and I did too. We used to spend a lot of time together in the garden; those were some good times. Sounds good. I'm so glad we bumped into each other," she said. "That's fantastic! I'm also glad we bumped into each other," I said smiling. I have to say that she is very beautiful and that smile of hers is just gorgeous and very contagious as well. I've noticed that when I see her smile I tend to smile too. I like her more and more and I'm glad that this time I was finally able to speak to her without looking like an idiot.

After our jog, as promised I showed her where I lived. We decided to walk on the way back to my house because I wanted to keep talking with her and jogging and talking gets tiring. As we were walking we were talking a lot about things we like and pet peeves. I found out that we have a lot of things in common. We were walking close to each other and I felt like grabbing her hand and walking like that all the way, but I didn't because I don't want to creep her out. 

"James one last thing," she told me making us stop. "What is it Emilia," I asked her. "I apologize in advance if what I'm about to say makes you feel uncomfortable," she said. "Go ahead, I doubt I will feel uncomfortable," I said. She took a deep breath. "I feel like I know you, but I don't know why and I don't know how. You will probably think that I'm crazy for thinking that I--," she trailed off. "No, no, no Emilia you're not crazy! I feel like I know you too, but I don't why or how either," I told her gently putting my hands on her shoulders. She looked into my eyes and I got lost in her big, beautiful, expressive, black eyes.

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