Chapter 4

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//James's P.O.V.\\

I can't stop thinking about Emilia. I'm so glad that it is my day off because if not I would be so spaced out. I just decided to chill with Fox and then I noticed that it was 4:00 pm and I remembered that she told me that she gets off at 4:00. I waited about 10 minutes and then I texted her. She replied immediately. I asked her if she wanted to hang out today and she told me that she would love that. I told her that I was going to take her out to dinner and she texted me saying yes with a smiley face. I told her that I would pick her up at 7 and she agreed. We ended our conversation like that and then I went back to my thoughts. I was thinking that we are probably rushing everything because we barely know each other and I should've given us more time on the whole dating thing. I think that I should've waited and gotten to know her better as a friend and then asked her out. But, it's too late now to tell her that because she might get mad and I might lose her. Why did I have to be so stupid?

I'll just let this go and see what happens later on with our relationship. I don't want to lose Emilia because she is an amazing girl, and it's not just looks, she is amazing on the inside I can tell when I look at her in the eyes. She has a great personality and a very kind heart I don't want to lose her.


I went to pick up Emilia and she looked even more gorgeous than usual. "Good evening gorgeous," I told her smiling. "Good evening handsome," she told me. "Shall we go," I asked her extending my hand to her. "We shall," she told me taking my hand. I felt like I was shaking and we got to my car and I opened the door for her. "Thank you, James you're such a gentleman," she told me. "It's no big deal," I told her and I got inside. I started the car and headed out.  I had the radio on and she began to sing. I decided to sing along with her. The song that was playing was "Like I'm Gonna Lose You". I was shocked in seeing how talented she is. I was able to hear her singing even though she sang softly. "Emilia you're an amazing singer," I told her. She began to blush. "Thanks, James, but you're lying to me," she told me. "WHAT," I exclaimed. "I'm not the best singer. Actually, I suck at singing," she told me. "Uh who told you that?! Are you kidding me?! You are an amazing singer," I exclaimed at her. "Okay if you say so James. But I still think you're telling me that because you like me," she told me. "Nonsense," I told her smiling.

We got to the restaurant and I found a parking space. We parked and then before we got out, I decided to tell her what I felt, no matter what the result was. "Emilia, I've been thinking," I began. "What is it James," she asked me. "Promise me you won't get mad," I told her. "I won't get mad just tell me because you're scaring me already," she told me with a worried expression. "Okay, I don't want to worry you anymore so I'll just come out with it. I have been thinking that maybe we're rushing things. We barely met each other and I feel like we are rushing things, but I don't want to lose you because you are amazing. The most amazing girl that has ever come into my life," I told her. She looked at me shocked, but relieved. 

"You know what James, I was thinking the same thing too, but I didn't want to tell you because I was scared of losing you," she told me. "Haha, I guess what they are true. Great minds think alike," I told her laughing. She laughed too. "You won't lose me," I told her. "Awesome! And you won't lose me either. I'm glad we got that off of our chests huh," she told me. "Yeah, that felt good. I did that risking everything. Thank you for not getting mad," I told her. "Yeah no problem," she told me. I pulled her in for a big hug. "So what are we going to do," she asked me. "It's up to you. Do you want to keep dating me? Or do you want to call it quits on the dating and get to know each other better? I won't get mad at your decision, I'll agree with whatever you choose," I told her. "I choose to keep dating you, even if it's rushed. We'll get to know each other better these days. One thing though," she said. "What is it," I asked her. "That we only hug and hold hands, no kissing yet," she told me. I had to chuckle at this because I wasn't planning on doing that yet. "No problem," I told her. She chuckled and was about to open the door. "Wait," I told her. "Okay," she told me. I went to open the door for her and she just smiled. We went into the restaurant and we ordered our meals, ate, chatted, and just basically enjoyed ourselves. We got to know each other a lot and she told me about her day at work and I told her about my day at home. I'm glad that we're still together building up our relationship.

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