Chapter 10

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//James's P.O.V.\\

I can't believe that Leo is treating my girlfriend that way. I really can't stand it. If he's her friend as he claimed to be, he shouldn't act this way or treat her like this. Like I said before I will get to the bottom of this. It is 6 am and I can't stop thinking about this. I need to go for a jog and then, if I have time, I'll head to the gym. I got out of bed and took a shower. I went downstairs and made myself a quick and healthy breakfast to give me energy for the whole day. I put on my earphones, played my favorite playlist, and headed out. I was jogging the trail I usually jog. I got a text message from one of the producers saying that we weren't going to have a session today, so I could take the day off. I'm not stoked about getting the day off, but I'm not mad about it either. This gives me time to go to the gym and hopefully clear my mind. Then I took another route which was a bit longer than the one I usually take. I decided to jog even further and I got a great workout and then I headed back home. Since the gym is a bit farther from my house, I had to drive there. I went and got my car keys and took my leave once again.

I passed by Emilia's work and I remembered that she told me that she was going to get off work earlier. I smiled at the thought and I kept going. Once I got to the gym, I began to work out like a crazy person. I did everything I usually do and then I headed to the punching bag. I put on my gloves and started taking out all of my anger on that punching bag. I felt quite better after practicing boxing because I felt like something really heavy had been taken off of my body. By the time I got out of the gym, it was already 3:00 pm. I decided to head back home and take a shower because I was very sweaty.

However, on my way back home, I passed by again where Emilia works, and just by luck, I saw Leo come out of the building. Perfect, now I can finally go talk to him and ask him what's up. I have been waiting for this moment to come. I parked my car and I was able to talk to him. "Hey Leo," I said. He turned around and glared at me. "Oh hi, James. What's up? Emilia left already," he told me finally recognizing me. "No I know that Emilia left already she told me she was going to get off early today. I'm actually here because I need to talk to you," I told him. "About what," he asked me. "What do you mean 'about what'? You know exactly what I'm talking about," I told him getting annoyed. "I really don't know what you're talking about," he told me nonchalantly. "Don't play dumb with me Leo," I told him raising my voice. He just gulped and stared at me, frozen.

"Can we please talk about this issue like civilized men," he asked calmly. I nodded my head. He took a deep breath. "Okay, can you please tell me why it is that you are treating Emilia so harshly? What did she do to you? She only tried to help and console you, but you are ignoring her! It is really hurting her, but you're not only hurting her you're hurting me too! I can't stand to see you ignore her! What a great friend you are," I told him. "Listen James I know that she only helped me and consoled me. I recognize that and I appreciate that of her. I know that I am hurting her! You have no idea how horrible I feel ignoring her, but since she started to ignore me too I feel even worse! I didn't want to ignore her, but I really don't want to start drama because as you know she hates that and if I keep talking to her it would only lead to drama! That's why I've kept it strictly professional; strictly work-related conversations. Oh no, I think that the drama just started, it's a good thing that she's not here. I had no other choice and now I know that I lost a great friend and it's my fault. And I'll have you know that I'm an excellent friend and it's not easy telling you what I feel. It isn't easy telling you the actual reason for why I stopped talking to her either," he told me frustrated. "Leo calm down. You can tell me why you did it; I won't tell her if you don't want me to. I mean now that we're here you can tell me; I mean I told you what I wanted to tell you," I told him trying to calm him down. He just sighed.

"I can't tell you because if I do it will make you feel bad and it will make you question your relationship and I should really stop talking," he told me getting a bit calmer. "Just tell me, please! I need to know the reason why you are acting like this because it's really bugging me. You and Emmy are like siblings and you and I were starting to have a great bond. Plus, it's getting me angry," I told him. He just looked at me for a while and then he looked down. "Leo what are you hiding? Obviously, it has to do with Emilia. Tell me do you like my girlfriend? Is that the reason why you don't want to talk to her anymore," I asked him. He kept looking down to the ground. I went closer to him and gripped his shoulders firmly and made him make eye contact with me. "Tell me, Leo," I told him getting frustrated. "Okay fine," he yelled. He pushed me back. "Yes! That is the reason why I don't talk to her anymore! I like her and I have always liked her I just never told her! The day I did confess my love to her she brushed it off, but obviously because she was already dating you," he shouted. I was shocked. "Are you happy now," he shouted. "Leo that's your fault though because you could've conquered her, you guys would be dating right now and I wouldn't even be here right now," I shouted back at him. People passed by and glanced at Leo and I scared.

"I know that that is my fault, but I really can't stand seeing you guys cuddle. I couldn't stand it any longer so therefore I decided to become distant with both of you," he told me. "That's not my fault or Emilia's, it's just your fault," I told him. "I know that James, but this is why I didn't want to tell you and why I became distant because I didn't want any problems. I love Emilia, so what? I could shout it out to the world! I want the world to know that I LOVE EMILIA!! What are you going to do about that," he shouted. "Okay, that's enough! I get that you were telling me your story and why you are acting like this, but telling me that you are in love with my girlfriend again is enough. On top of that, you have the gut to ask me what I'm going to do about it. Well, Leo, I'll show you what I'm going to do and this is something I have wanted to do to you ever since you began to ignore Emilia," I told him. I charged at him with a fist. The next thing I knew, I had punched him so hard in the face that he fell to the ground. Thankfully I didn't knock him out, but he did begin to bleed instantly. He came towards me and tried to punch me, but missed. "Look James I know I deserved that," he told me barely able to speak. "Shut up Leo I don't want to hear it. I'm already too pissed off to hear anything else," I told him cutting him off. I turned around to get into my car and all of a sudden I felt something tap me on the cheek. I turned and saw that it was Leo. He had barely punched me because it didn't even hurt me. "Nice try, but you're not strong enough to," I began to say grabbing him from his shirt, but he cut me off by kicking me in the stomach making me fall on my knees, and giving me a really big punch in the face. I couldn't feel my face and I was having difficulty getting up. "Not so tough now huh," he said angrily. I just stared at him wanting to knock him down. He left laughing maniacally and I was able to stand up and get in my car.

Once I got inside my car I realized that I was going to get a bruise and what was I going to tell Emilia? I still wasn't able to breathe properly and I checked my face in the mirror, it was so bloody. I got a napkin and began to wipe the blood off. I was finally able to gain my energy and I drove home. I might as well come out with the truth because she will have to find out about it eventually. I'm going to be completely honest with her and tell her everything that happened because it is the best way to go.

//Leo's P.O.V.\\

I didn't think that this conversation would end up like this. I think that I got carried away. I didn't think that James was going to talk to me about this. I had no other choice but to come out with the truth. Then we ended up punching each other. James punched me first and I fell to the ground. He was starting to head toward his car and I was able to get up. I punched him softly at first to distract him. He began to tell me that I wasn't strong enough to punch him, but I cut him off and kicked him in the stomach making him fall to his knees. Immediately after that, I punched him in the face. I was still bleeding and my jaw was beginning to hurt. I punched him in the cheek, but I think that I might have punched him in the eye too because there was way too much blood. I walked away and I went home. Once I got home, I washed my face and iced my jaw. I did not expect this to end like this, but I guess things happen for a reason.

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